First Kiss

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His lips are forceful and demanding against your own. One of his arms is locked around your waist, pulling you tightly against his chest as the other hand curls around the back of your neck. You're just as desperate for this as he is. Your fingers grip his hair and your body presses forward even though there's no more space between you to take up. Five minutes ago you were just best friends, bickering over who had cheated on the last round of Mario Kart and now a line had been crossed. You're experiencing his touch and his taste and nothing compares to the bliss you're feeling in that moment. You don't stop even as it escalates to something you won't be able to come back from. Nothing will be the same after and yet all you can do is hold on for the ride and hope it doesn't come crashing down around you.


You're in his room, watching him as he plays his guitar and sings to you. The two of you are stuck in that place between friends and lovers, both acknowledging that there's something more that needs to be explored and yet both too nervous to make the first move. You're sitting on his bed and he's on the chair by his desk, so you can't even play it off as a smooth accident. His eyes are closed as mouth makes those beautiful sounds it's so good at, his lips shining from when he's licked them between words. You're deadly quiet as you slide off the bed and tiptoe towards him and he only realises you've moved when your hands are against his cheeks. He tenses, his words catching in his throat and his eyes shoot open to see your face within inches of his. His electric gaze flickers between your eyes and your lips, you know he's waiting for you but you need something from him. When he can't take it any longer he whispers, "Kiss me." and it's all you need to convince yourself to close the distance.


Your first date is drawing to an end, no matter how hard you both try to eek it out the time has come to say goodbye. It's just for the night, for a few mere hours, but it feels like forever. He walks you to your front door, the huge stuffed bear he won you at the fair wedged under his arm. "I had a great time." He says as you stop by the door, turning to face him with a grin. "Me too." You say as he steps close enough for his chest to nudge yours. He looks down at you, his hand lifting to press his fingers under your chin. "Can I kiss you?" he asks. You bite your bottom lip and nod your head, smiling as he does. He tilts your head up as he descends and the moment his lips press against yours, your chest feels like it could explode. He kisses you sweetly, softly, until the front door is yanked open and you jump apart to face your sister's teasing smirk.


You can see him watching you out of the corner of your eye, his gaze focused on your face. You try to concentrate on the film playing on the TV instead of your friend's awkward staring, but after about thirty seconds you break and whip your head towards him. He moves so fast that you don't comprehend what's happening until his lips are on yours, his hands holding your face and his eyes squeezed shut. You've been waiting years for this and so you can't stop your mouth from curving into a smile. Michael lets out a wheeze of a laugh and then you're really kissing. It's all tongue and teeth, sloppy and desperate. It's perfect.

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