He's leaving for tour

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Hot tears trail relentlessly down your cheeks even as you try so hard to stop them. You are surrounded by people; family, friends and fans. All of which had come to the airport to say goodbye, you hated that you couldn't control yourself around them, hated that the emotions wrecking your body couldn't take a step back just until you were alone. Alone. That's exactly how you were going to be for the coming months, you won't be wishing for it then. The thought alone sent another wave of tears down your face, falling from your chin like raindrops. Ashton shields you from prying eyes with his body, ducking down to scatter kisses all over your face. "Shhh, love, please don't cry." His long fingers wipe the wetness away and keep your chin tilted up so he can look you in the eyes. You don't miss the fact that his own are shimmering with his unreleased sadness and you feel so guilty for not being strong enough. "Sorry." You sniff. He shakes his head, "Don't be. You know I love you, right?" you nod, sure of it, and he smiles gently. "We'll speak every day and we'll text all the time. Skype dates at least once a week if not more. You won't even have time to miss me." He tries to joke, but neither of you laugh. "I'll miss touching you." You whisper, your hands resting on top of his. "I'll get you flown out whenever you want, baby, you say the word and you'll be with me in no time." The tears have stopped for a moment and you jump at him, hugging him to you so tightly you're sure it'll bruise. "I might take you up on that." he holds you for as long as he can before pulling back only to kiss the ever living hell out of you. He doesn't stop until he really has to leave, lingering for a few more seconds. "I love, love, love you." He says, smiling when you repeat the words to him. Then he turns and races after the boys, throwing one last look back at you before he disappears from your sight.


"Will you call?" he asks, "Text? Write? Astral project?" he grabs your hand, pulls it into his lap to play with your fingers. His mum and the boys are waiting just outside of your car, peering in through the window every few minutes to see if the two of you were any closer to saying goodbye. "All of the above, if possible." You frown slightly, "Astral projection might be a bit difficult, but I'll give it a go if it means I'll see you." Your voice catches at the end and you clear your throat, your free hand scratching at an invisible mark on your jeans. "Look at me." Luke sighs softly and when you do the wet tracks on his cheeks break your heart into a million pieces. You bite your bottom lip hard, hoping the pain in your mouth would distract you from the agony in your chest. No such luck. "It's not that long if you think about it." he says, fingertips stroking your palm. "I'm not sure thinking about it is the best thing to do." He leans across the centre console and kisses you, "I promise we'll get through this, just...y'know...don't forget about me." He says softly, his worry seeping into his tone. "As if I could." You scoff, kissing him back. He smiles, scrubbing at his face with his hands before he slips out of the car and walks around to your side. You'd already discussed that you wouldn't go with him into the airport, both of you aware that you'd struggle even more if you did. You roll down your window and he sticks his head inside, taking control of your lips and kissing your harder than he ever had before. When he pulls back, he rests his forehead against yours. "You're my everything." He whispers as his mum reluctantly calls his name. "I'll see you soon." You watch him walk away, wave to the boys as they leave with him. You feel the tears choking you and do nothing to stop them as they burst from your eyes. A strong vibration starts up in your pocket and pulling your phone out, you see it's a text from Luke. Be strong for me! I love you millions xxx. You laugh, wipe the tears away and nod to yourself. He might have left for a while, but he'd never be gone.


It's 1am and he's got all of five hours before he has to get up and leave, but there is no way he's sleeping now. The two of you are lying naked in bed; Calum propped up beside you, his fingertips running up and down the valley between your breasts as you catch your breath. The smile on his mouth is bittersweet as he enjoys the sight of you, flushed and dazed with pleasure, yet knowing that this is the last time he's going to see you like this for a while. He knew how hard it was going to be, you needed each other and yet he was heading half way across the world. He couldn't help but feel so utterly selfish. You supported him through it all and he rewarded you how? By leaving you alone for months at a time. "Stop thinking so much." You murmur, turning onto your side and propping your head up on your hand. He presses his mouth to yours, draws a soft moan from you as he moves even closer. "Can't help it." he pouts, running his fingers through your hair, "I'm going to miss you." "And I'll miss you, so much." Water wells up in your eyes and he watches you blink the tears away, refusing them permission to fall, with an ache in his gut that makes him question everything. "Come with me." He kisses your jaw, moves his lips to your neck. "I wish I could, but someone has to hold down the fort here." You roll on top of him and he's more than thankful for your insane libido, desperate to imprint your touch into his brain. "We can get a house sitter." "Don't tempt me, baby, you know it's not that easy." "You'll still visit though, right?" You smile against his collarbone, making your way down his body, "Whenever I can." You promise. He doesn't miss the pain in your gaze. He's going to keep you up all night, making you fall apart again and again under him. He'll do his best to make your last few hours memorable enough to get you both through your coming separation. "I love you." He says, his voice filling the room. You meet his eyes, a smile curving your mouth, "And I love you."


"I'm pretty sure your parents won't even miss you." He says, staring at the three suitcases laying open on the floor of his bedroom, the clothes inside a mess of rumpled material. "I could just shove you in one of these." I kicks the closest case and looks up at you from his seat on the bed. You smile wistfully, leaning against the wall while you watch him, taking in every last detail. Tonight was your last night together for at least four months, then you'd get about two weeks before he left again. You can't help the pain you're feeling, the fear that this was going to be the end of you two, but you tried to shove it down, knowing it was the last thing he needed right now. "I don't think immigration would like it, plus I reckon I'd suffocate or something." You say, pushing off the wall and padding towards him. He pulls you between his legs, wraps his arms around your thighs and rests his face against your stomach as he squeezes you tightly. "I don't want to leave you." He mutters and you close your eyes briefly as your heart clenches. "I'll be waiting for you, don't you worry." You sooth, stroking your fingers through his multicoloured hair. You can't show him how much this is killing you because it'll break him just a little and there was no way you could make him second guess this dream of his. You lift his head up and bend down to kiss him, portraying your love through your lips. His fingers dig into your hips as he draws you into his lap. "Besides, we still have tonight." You smile, arching a brow. Michael grins, nodding, "Plus the rest of our lives." He says, rolling you over and making you forget about everything except the two of you.

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