He gets jealous/possessive

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Ashton wraps his arms around your waist and rests his head on your shoulder as you watch One Direction perform from the wings of the stage. You watch as each member of their band plays a small solo. "Josh is really talented," you state as he plays a drum solo. "I guess," Ashton agrees begrudgingly. "I mean honestly he has so much talent!" You continue, "and he's so -" "Ya I get it," Ashton snaps, cutting you off. "I was just saying he's talented," you mumble. "Ya he's the best drummer ever okay I know. Why don't you just date him instead?" Ashton replies sarcastically. "Jeez, Ash, what is with you?" You ask, pulling away from his arms. "Nothing okay?!" Ashton snaps. "You don't have to be rude, because I complimented someone else on their talent. I never said he was better than you, not that it would matter if I did say that. Honestly, you're acting like a child. Maybe I should date Josh," you threaten, crossing your arms and staring at him, challenging him. "I'm - I'm sorry," Ashton admits, "I just get jealous and, well, Josh is really good and cool and stuff and I guess I'm just afraid you'll like him better than me." You step toward your boyfriend, grabbing his arms and forcing him to look at you. "Ash, I fell in love with you because of who you are not what you do. I don't care if you're the world's best drummer or the world's worst. And I don't care what Josh does. You're my boyfriend - not him. Okay?" Ashton nods sullenly."Besides," you continue, leaning closer to him, "You look much sexier banging those drums than Josh does." You feel Ashton's smirk against your ear as he whispers, "The drums aren't the only thing I can bang." He grabs your wrist, slowly leading you to his dressing room. " I bet Josh would never be able to make you scream like I will," he whispers, shutting the door behind him, "not like I'll ever give him the chance."


No matter how much whining and complaining you did, Luke refused to let you skip the party his band was invited to tonight. You tried to explain to him that the only people you'd know would be his band and One Direction, but he insisted you'd have fun. Now you were at the party - and you lost Luke. Well, technically, Luke lost you. Your boyfriend was easily distracted by celebrities he had been dying to meet. You turned away for one second and he had wandered away. You searched the crowds for him, but without success, and you were so bored. Finally you spotted Luke chatting with Jade Thirlwall from Little Mix at the bar. You didn't mind, but you wondered if Luke would feel the same if the tables were turned. Suddenly you spotted Josh Hutcherson across the room and couldn't resist the temptation to run a little test. You made your way toward him, and he smiles at you as you took a seat next to him at the bar, within Luke's view. "A drink for the pretty lady!" Josh called to the bartender. You struck up a conversation, conveniently forgetting to mention that you had a boyfriend. You saw Luke notice you out of the corner of your eye and smirked. Luke stiffened, but didn't come over. You decided to take it up a notch. "Let's dance!" You suggested, gesturing to the dance floor. Josh nodded and took your hand, leading you toward the mass of people moving to the music. He put his hands on your hips and you moved them to the beat, trying to catch a glimpse of Luke. You notice that the chair he had once occupied was empty before you feel Josh's hands release you. You turn to see Luke pushing Josh back, yelling a string of curse words. "Take it easy!" Josh shouted, pushing Luke away. He was bigger than Luke, but Luke didn't seem intimidated. Luke charged toward Josh again, but Josh blocked him easily. You stepped in, pushing Luke away. "Calm down, Luke!" You shouted over the music, pressing a hand against his chest. His breathing finally slowed, but he didn't stop glaring at Josh. "How dare you let that guy touch you," Luke spoke through gritted teeth. "You didn't have a problem flirting with Jade!" You retort. "I didn't touch her!" He shouts, "Only one person is allowed to touch you, y/n, and that's me." Luke spits angrily. "Can we deal with this at home?" You sigh. "No! We're dealing with this right now! Let's go!" Luke grabbed your wrist as he spoke and jerked you up the stairs. He opened the door to an empty bedroom and led you inside, slamming you against the wall. His tall figure hovered over you, his lips grazing your neck as he spoke in a growl, "I think you need to be reminded whose boss," Luke threatened, biting down on the skin of your neck,


You sat in the near empty arena watching your boyfriend's sound check and impatiently tapping your foot."In a hurry?" Harry Styles asks, taking a seat next to you. "What? Oh, uh, nah," you respond, brushing him off. "Of course not, Why would I think that?" Harry jokes, gesturing to your still-tapping foot. You laugh and cross your legs to keep your foot from tapping. "I guess I'm just hungry," you explain. Harry nods, laughing. "Calum what are you doing?" You hear Luke say into his mic, turning your attention back to the stage. "Sorry, uh, I'm just - just distracted," you hear Calum say to Luke, although his eyes were on you. "You're tapping your foot again," Harry points out, placing a hand on your knee to stop it. "Oh. Sorry," you laugh. "No worries," Harry chuckles. "So what's your name?" He asks. "Oh, I'm y/n," you respond. "Oh!" Harry exclaims dumbly, retracting his hand from your knee before you realized it was still there. "You're Calum's girlfriend," he states, looking at his feet. "That I am," you confirm. Harry nods and silence fills the large arena until you hear "Hey y'n!" shouted from Calum, You and Harry both look up to see Calum getting off the stage and coming toward you. "Excuse me," you say to Harry before hopping up and moving toward Calum. He kisses you lightly before wrapping his arm protectively around your waist and taking you back to where Harry was still seated to grab your stuff. You noticed Calum's grip tighten and his jaw clench as Harry looked up at the two of you. "Harry, this is y/n," Calum introduces coldly. "We met," Harry says. "She's my girlfriend," Calum states. "I learned that," Harry replies. Calum's grip around you tightens even more. "Good." Calum says finally, leading you away. "He didn't know we were dating when he started talking to me," you explain once Harry is out of earshot. "I don't care," Calum argues, "I don't like the idea of him being interested in you." "He's not," you disagree. "He definitely won't be once I talk to him," Calum points out humorlessly.


You made your way toward the snack table backstage at One Direction's concert looking for sodas for you and your boyfriend, Michael. "Michael, what kind do you want?" You call to where he is seated with his band mates and the members of One Direction, but he doesn't hear you. "Mikey!" He still doesn't respond.He hadn't been talking to you much all night, but you understood. Concerts were his time with his band. "Need something love?" You turn to see Josh Devine next to you. "Oh no I was just trying to get Michael's attention," you explain. "I see," Josh said, stepping closer to you. You nodded, inadvertently stepping away and bumping into the table. Josh laughed and you did, too. "Oi! y/n!" You looked up to see Michael staring at you. "How are those drinks coming?" He calls before shooting Josh a glare. "What did you want?" You call back, side stepping Josh to get to the drinks. "Um, I don't care," he answers distractedly, looking from you to Josh. You grab two Cokes and start towards Michael. "You're welcome!" Josh says as you pass. You give him a questioning look. "For getting Michael's attention," Josh explained with a smirk. You laugh and head back to your boyfriend. Michael takes the can you hand him and sets it on the table before pulling you into his lap. "Why the sudden attention?" You ask as his arms wind around you waist. "What did Josh want?" Michael asks as if he didn't even hear you speak. "Nothing," you sigh. "Didn't look like nothing," Michael mumbled. "Why do you suddenly care what I'm doing?" You try to keep your voice casual but you know it sounds harsh. "I just don't like to see other guys flirting with you," Michael says, a hint of guilt in his voice. "It's not like you've been flirting with me," you counter. Michael notices the hurt in your voice and pulls you closer. "I'm sorry I haven't payed attention to you tonight, y/n," Michael says truthfully. "I've been distracted, I know. But I love you, you know I love you, right?" You nod. "Good," Michael confirms, kissing your forehead. "And I love you," you murmur.

Credits to 5saucefeels on tumblr.

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