You Break Up and He Later Finds Out You had his Baby - Part 2

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"Why didn't you say anything?" Ashton asks, still looking at his son with interest. "It didn't come up," you offer weakly. "It might've been worth bringing up," Ashton mumbles, although he doesn't sound angry. "Can I - can I pick him up?" He asks, finally looking to you. You hesitate but nod, and Ashton scoops him up, examining his curly hair and tiny fingers closely. "Wow," Ashton says under his breath, "I guess not everything between us was destructive." "Yeah," you agree, "One good thing came from that relationship." Ashton nods his agreement and you wait in silence as he takes in the situation. "What's his name?" Ashton asks finally. "Jonah," you answer. "Jonah," Ashton repeats, "I love it." You smile and Ashton suddenly grows serious. "You've been raising him without a father then?" "I - yeah," you say weakly. "Oh," Ashton breathes, instinctively holding Jonah a little closer. "Yeah," you repeat, "There just hasn't been anyone to fill that place. I don't want just anyone being my son's father figure." "Our son," Ashton corrects quietly. "Right," you falter. "What about me?" He asks. "What about yout?" you repeat, not following. "I wanna be in his life," he informs you, "Would that be a possibility?" "Oh, well yeah," you say, taken aback, "I mean he's yours." "He's mine," Ashton repeats breathlessly as he turns back to Jonah. "Hi, Jonah," he says with a nervous smile. "Hi!" Jonah greets with a wide smile.


"You have some explaining to do," Bridget informs you once the three of you are in the car. You sigh, knowing they deserve the story. "About what?" Troy asks, confused. "About our father," Bridget answers for you. "That guy we just met?" Troy asks in shock. "No - Santa Clause," Bridget snaps. "Of course that guy! You look just like him, Troy." "No I don't," Troy argues. "Yes, you do," you sigh. "Anyway, what's the story?" Bridget asks again. "We dated a long time ago," you begin, "I guess sixteen-something years ago." "And he left when you got pregnant?" Troy asks, sounding bitter. "No, it wasn't like that," you correct, "I didn't know I was pregnant until after we broke up and, well, we weren't exactly on good terms." "So he doesn't know?" Troy questions. "He does now," you inform him, recounting what he had said to you in the restaurant. "Are you- are you gonna call him or something?" Bridget asks quietly. "Do you want me to?" you return. "No," Troy answers immediately. "Why not?" Bridget asks him. "We don't need him," Troy says with a shrug, "We've made it this far without him, anyway. Why complicate things?" "I dunno," Bridget mumbles as she mulls it over, "It might be nice to have a father figure." "Well whether we call him or not I'm not gonna start calling him Dad and buying him Father's Day presents," Troy mutters. "You can't be mad at him," Bridget reasons, "He didn't know we existed! Maybe he would've wanted us and -" "I don't care," Troy cuts her off, "He left Mom, so why would we want him around?" "I don't mind calling him," you pipe up. "I think that'd be nice," Bridget affirms. "Count me out," Troy says, rolling his eyes.


"Calum!" a voice shouts, making you and Calum quickly pull away. You see Luke and Michael coming toward you with Ashton talking animatedly to your oblivious daughter behind them. "What does this mean?" Calum asks quietly as they approach. "I - I don't know," you say, shaking your head. "Well, we should probably talk about this," he says. "Obviously we have to talk about this," you snap, rolling your eyes. "Okay, well let's talk," he invites. "Mom!" Gabi calls, running up to you, "These guys are in a band!" "That's awesome!" you say with excitement, smiling at her. "Ashton said we could come to a concert one day if we want," she tells you excitedly. You look to Ashton and he shrugs innocently. "That would be so fun," you affirm. "For now we should get going, though," you sigh. "Okay," Gabi sighs. She waves to the boys before taking your hand in hers. "We'll be seeing you soon I expect," you say to Calum. He nods, unsure of how else to respond. "Bye, Gabi!" He calls as you make your way through the crowd. She turns back, waving wildly to Calum, who waves back with equal excitement.


You tuck Noah into the hotel bed and head over to Michael as he waits patiently on the couch of your hotel room. "How are you doing?" you ask nervously, observing him sitting with his head in his hands. "I'm - I'm good," he assures you, "It's a lot to take in." "Oh, I know," you chuckle, "Try finding out you're pregnant after breaking up with your boyfriend over not wanting kids." Michael chuckles weakly and you do, too, thinking back on your life before Noah. "I'm sorry you've had to do this alone," he offers. "It wasn't your fault," you inform him, "I could've told you." "I wish you would have," Michael admits, "I would've been there for you." "I know," you sigh, biting your lip as you think. "I know now, though," Michael points out. You nod, waiting for Michael to continue. "What are the chances of me being a part of his life?" Michael asks with a nervous smile. You mull it over for only a second before agreeing. Michael breaks out into a wide grin and you smile, too, grateful that he is taking the news so well. "That's great," he says finally, "Thank you." "Thank you for being so understanding," you return. "If - if I'm not asking for too much, I'd love to give you and I another chance, too," Michael offers weakly. "Yeah," you say with a smile, "I think it's worth a shot."

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