He Supports You in a Sport/Activity

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"Go, Y/n, GO!" Ashton yells from where he stands on the bleachers, watching you pull ahead of the swimmer beside you. "She can't hear you under water," Michael points out, looking up at Ashton with amusement. "Shut up," Ashton says, pushing Michael without taking his eyes off of you. "Last lap," he mutters to himself. His nerves go up as the girl two lanes from you gains on you. "GO GO GO!" Ashton shouts, embarrassing Michael and surprising the parents around him with his excitement. You finish first and Ashton cheers. Finally you're able to hear him, and you look toward the stands, waving shyly at your ecstatic boyfriend. "THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND!" Ashton cheers, probably more excited than you are. "You are so embarrassing," Michael sighs, shrinking in his seat.


"Y/n!" your boyfriend, Luke, calls, taking your attention from the conversation with a fellow cast member you were in the middle of. "Luke!" you squeal, ecstatic to see your boyfriend who had gotten back from tour only a few hours before your show. You hurry up to him, hugging him tightly. "Hold on, hold on," he chuckles, pulling away to hand you the bouquet of roses he had gotten. "You were amazing!" Luke compliments, sounding truly impressed. "Oh, I was so nervous," you inform him with a laugh. "You didn't tell me that the guy you had to kiss was so hot, though," Luke mutters, eyeing your love interest from the musical with hostility. "Don't worry, Luke," you laugh, rolling your eyes at your jealous boyfriend. "I'm just saying, you kiss him every night while I'm on tour and that is a bit concerning," he explains, only partially joking. "It's a stage kiss," you inform him, "It doesn't even count!" "Well, if you ask me," Luke begins quietly, "That guy looks like a real douche." You laugh, deciding not to argue with Luke's preconceived notion.


"Ref, aren't you gonna call that?!" Calum yells from the bleachers, furious that you've been purposefully pushed down for the third time. Rolling his eyes, the referee blows his whistle, finally making a fair call. Calum sits back to continue watching the game, but notices a crowd around you. Suddenly he's on his feet again, peering over the girls to try to catch a glimpse of you. You hobble off the field with the help of a friend, your foot twisted at an odd angle. "Great," Calum mutters, hurrying off the bleachers and meeting you at the bench. "Is she alright?" he asks one of your friends, unable to get to you because of the doctor and coach. "I dunno," your friend sighs, "Her ankle might be broken." "Shoot," Calum mutters, attempting to get nearer to you. "I'm gonna be out for the season?!" he hears you exclaim in shock. Knowing how important soccer is to you, Calum feels his heart drop at this news. He watches helplessly as the coach and your teammate carry you off. You meet his eye and smile, trying to show that you're fine, even though he can tell how worried you really are.


"Michael!" you squeal, excusing yourself from the team of celebrating volleyball players to greet your best friend. "I didn't know you were even in town!" you tell him. "Surprise," he chuckles, "I wanted to see you." "You didn't have to come to my volleyball game, though," you say, "We could've hung out or something." "I wanted to see you play," he explains while his eyes wander to a group of girls in their short volleyball shorts. "Oh my gosh," you say, rolling your eyes, "You came to see girls in short shorts." You cross your arms and glare up at him disapprovingly. "No I didn't!" he laughs, although his guilty smile gives him away. "You're the worst," you joke, punching his arm. "I came to see you play!" he insists, laughing even harder. "I'm gonna go grab my stuff and then we can get some food, alright?" you ask, changing the subject. "Sure," Michael says, still laughing at your indignation. "Don't look at my butt," you instruct before stomping back to the locker room, knowing full well that he is looking at your butt.

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