Stay - Rihanna

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"Something in the way you move, makes me feel like I can't live without you"

You ran your hands through your hair in frustration and knocked over the nearby vase with your hand. You couldn't believe him, you really couldn't believe him. Your boyfriend blew you off for his friends, and today was your anniversary. He didn't even greet you, he just told you that he can't come over tonight and all those lame excuses he keeps telling you these past few weeks. He keeps apologizing and says he'll make it up, but he never does. You start to think that maybe his love for you was starting to fade, and you didn't even know what to do anymore. To you, Ashton was the most important person in the world. He was everything you needed, and you began to wonder if you could ever live without him. And now, the answer is as clear as day - you couldn't, you just couldn't imagine a life without him. You immediately wipe away your tears with your hand and made your way to his house, to give him a piece of your mind. You weren't expecting to see him dressed in a tuxedo, holding a huge bouquet of pink roses. He saw you and his face drained color, and he looked at you as if you caught him red-handed. "Who's that bouquet for? Why are you dressed up? I thought you were gonna have a boys night out," you spat, making sure he knew how pissed you are. "I-I just-" "Just tell me if you don't love me anymore! It's better than you going behind my back to see someone else," you shouted at him, tears streaming down your cheeks. He looked down at you, pain visible in his eyes. "I'm-I'm not cheating on you," He says, taking one step closer, while you took one step back. "Please let me explain," he says, taking another step as you take another step away. "There's nothing to-" "Will you marry me, Y/N?" He yelled, and you immediately shut yourself up. You stared at him, bewildered, as he held out the bouquet, as if he was trying to give it to you. "I-I'm sorry I haven't been spending time with you these past few weeks. The boys were helping me plan everything out because I wanted this to be perfect." He looks up at you and pulls out a velvet box from his pocket, and opened it, to reveal a beautiful silver ring, with a tiny sapphire on it. You remembered telling him all about how you wanted a sapphire ring for your engagement ring, because diamond rings were just too mainstream. He began to kneel down and all the hatred for him was replaced with guilt and happiness. "I've wanted this to be perfect, but I guess this will do. Y/N, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on. Ever since we met, you've been on my mind and you're the only girl I've ever looked at. I promise to love you until the day I die, I can't imagine my life without you. Will you please marry me?" He searched your eyes for an answer and tears continued to stream down your cheeks, "Yes, yes, I love you Ashton!" He grins and takes you in his arms, thanking you and whispering how much he loved you. You were sure of it - you wanted to be with this boy until you died too, because you were too madly in love with him. This is just the beginning of your beautiful future together.


"Funny you're the broken one but I'm the only one who needed saving"

"Hey, Luke, it's Y/N. I know this is like the fiftieth time this week I've called, but I really need to talk to you. Please," you breathed the last part out as hung up. You've had another fight with him again over the stupidest things, he's convinced that you have been cheating on him behind his back because of some rumors someone started about you on Twitter. You knew better, and of course, these rumors are false and you have been faithful to Luke all this time. You didn't even know why he wasn't listening to you, and instead, listened to all those lies being spread online. It killed you to know that he didn't trust you enough to believe your story, even if he knew very well that there was no proof of you cheating on him at all. You've been seeing his tweets, and they're all pretty deep and depressing. All of them have one thing in common though: they all say that he's hurt. He's hurting inside, but what he didn't know is that your pain was more than twice his. He was only hurt because he hurt himself - he believed in those lies, instead of believing his own girlfriend. You were hurt because your boyfriend didn't trust you enough, you were hurt because he chose to believe those false statements, you're hurt because he was leaving you all alone in your time of need, you're hurt because he's hurting. Yes, he was being broken bit by bit, but you were the one who needed saving here. You needed someone to save you from the tears, and the only person who could do that was the exact same person who was the cause of these tears in the first place. You dialed his number once more, and once you heard the cue to speak, you just whispered, "Luke... please, I need you." before hanging up, crying silent tears into your pillow. About ten minutes later, you heard the banging of the front door. Your eyes shot open and you felt warm arms pull you into an embrace. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry," he kept saying over and over. You felt hot tears on your skin, and you let your own fall into the pillow. "I'm sorry, Y/N. Please stop crying, it kills me to see you like this. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," He says, pulling you in tighter. The two of you just laid there on your bed, crying as he hugged you from behind. Once both of you had calmed down, you turned to him and kissed his nose, "Thank you for coming back for me," he nodded and gave you a smile. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I just don't want to lose you and I-" "You don't need to explain, I just need you here with me. Since you're here right now, I'm happy and that's all I need. I love you," you say as you wrapped your arms around him, breathing in his familiar smell before you dozed off.

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