She Looks So Perfect - Song Preference

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I've got your ripped skinny jeans lying on the floor.

The incessant ringing of a doorbell woke both you and Ashton. "Are you expecting people?" you mumble to Ashton. He sits up sleepily, trying to remember his plans for the day. Suddenly he jumps out of bed, informing you as he runs from the room that his band mates must be over. "Ash!" you call out, "What should I do?" He curses under his breath as he considers his options. Having decided previously that the two of you would keep your relationship a secret, he knows meeting the boys is not a good choice. "Just, uh, hide in the closet for a minute!" he tells you in a panic. You scurry into Ashton's closet, leaving the door open a crack for light, and slip on a t-shirt from his top drawer. You wait, barely breathing, for Ashton to come tell you that it's all clear. "Ashton, I'm taking your phone charger," you hear a voice call. Peering through the opening, you see Ashton's friend, Michael enter the room. He stops short, his eyes trained on a pair of skinny jeans thrown carelessly on the floor. You watch anxiously as his eyes move to the discarded bra and underwear beside the bed. "Hey, Ashton!" Michael calls, picking the bra up by a strap. You see Ashton enter the room and his eyes go wide. "Oh," he breathes out, turning red and avoiding Michael's questioning stare.


Your lipstick stain is a work of art.

"What's this?" Calum asks, pointing to the red mark on Luke's neck. "It's nothing," Luke responds instantly, although his smirk says different. "Dude, that's a dark hickey" Calum says, impressed. "It's nothing," Luke repeats, blushing a deep red. "Hey, Y/n!" Calum calls out. You look up from where you sit eating breakfast. "What's up?" you respond, noticing Luke's red face and Calum's grin. "Come here," Calum says, beckoning you over. You move towards them, eyeing them with apprehension. "What's this?" Calum asks as he pokes Luke's neck. Your eyes widen when you see the mark you left the night before. "Oops," you laugh, blushing. "That's intense," Calum observes with a laugh. "Mine's worse," you say proudly. You pull your shirt down to expose a hickey on your collar bone, already forming a small bruise. "You guys need to calm down," Calum mutters. "I like it," Luke says with a smirk.


Would you wanna run away, too? Cause all I really want is you.

You lean against Calum, looking up at the stars from the back of his truck. You watch his fingers as they beat against your thigh and you sigh in contentment. Finally you break the comforting silence to say, "You have to be at the airport in four hours." "I know," Calum sighs, kissing the top of your head, "Let's not think about it, though." "It's hard not to," you admit, resting your head against his shoulder. "I know," he answers again. "I wish we could just stay here forever," you sigh. "I wish we could just run away," Calum adds. "You don't really want that," you counter. "I don't?" Calum asks, looking down at you in confusion. "Nah," you answer, "You say that but you're about to get on a plane with your three best friends and go tour the world with a million girls screaming for you." "All I really want is you," he admits quietly. "You already have me," you inform him. "Then I guess I'm good," he whispers. He takes your chin in his hand and tilts it up, connecting his lips to yours.


You look so perfect standing there in my American Apparel underwear.

You tiptoe barefooted across the cold tile floor of Michael's kitchen in search of a pan. You open cabinet after cabinet, grumbling about how unorganized Michael is. Turning to check the pantry, you catch sight of Michael leaning against the counter and jump. "You gave me a heart attack," you state as he laughs to himself. "Sorry," he chuckles, "I didn't mean to scare you." "What were you doing then?" you ask, crossing your arms over your chest and eyeing him skeptically. "Just standing," Michael says with a light laugh. "Checkin' me out?" you ask, smirking. "Maybe," Michael responds mischievously. "Good," you confirm with a curt nod. "You do look good in my boxers," he observes, eyeing you. "Do I?" you respond with an innocent smile. "Mhm," he hums as you move closer to him. You gently connect your lips to his, forgetting about making breakfast altogether.

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