Beside You - Song Preference

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When we both fall asleep underneath the same sky to the beat of our hearts at the same time.

"Look at the stars," Ashton sighs, sitting down on the pile of pillows and blankets the two of you set up on the balcony. He reaches up and grabs your hand, pulling gently until you are seated next to him. "It's beautiful," you agree, looking up at the stars above you. "Not as beautiful as you," Ashton says, kissing your temple. "You're so cheesy," you chuckle, although you can't stop smiling as you gently hit his chest. "It's true!" He defends, laughing all the while. "You're cute," you giggle, cuddling up to him. "No I'm not," Ashton frowns, "I'm hot and rugged and punk rock." "You're adorable," you tease, grinning at his indignation. "Cute as a button!" You add, pinching his cheek. "I said I'm rugged!" He shouts in false anger, pushing you down into the mass of blankets and tickling your stomach. You scream, arms and legs flailing as he tickles you relentlessly. "Stop! Please!" You squeal. "Say I'm rugged!" Ashton commands, his large hands tickling your sides as his legs hold you in place. "Never!" You refuse, his tickling only getting stronger. "Say it!" He repeats, laughing along with you. "You're - you're rugged!" You admit, unable to endure it any longer. Ashton removes his hands and you sigh in relief as he lays down beside you. He pulls you into his chest as your heavy breathing subsides and he giggles. A comfortable silence falls over the two of you as you look up at the stars, the only sound being breathing and the only movement being your heartbeat against his. "I love you," he sighs, kissing your temple. "I love you more," you murmur, resting your head on his chest and letting his arms circle around you. "I love you the most," he mumbles, yawning as he speaks. "Impossible," you yawn in return. He murmurs something incoherent as he drifts off to sleep, his heart beating steadily in sync with your own. "I love you," you repeat in a whisper before falling asleep snuggled against his chest in complete contentment.


Suddenly words are hard to speak when your thoughts are all I see. "Don't ever leave," she said to me.

(His POV) The alarm goes off early and I reach over Y/n, shutting it off before she wakes up. I roll out of bed as silently as possible, but the weight shift is enough to rouse her from her light sleep. "Is it time to get up already?" She asks quietly. "Yeah," I sigh, biting my lip, "You don't have to come to the airport if you don't want to, though." "No, I want to," she assures me, getting up with a yawn. She takes a seat on the kitchen counter and watches in silence as I make coffee for the two of us, preparing hers as I know she likes it before placing it in her freezing hands. Our taxi arrives minutes later and I load my bag before getting in and pulling Y/n close to me. She remains silent through the drive, whether because she is still tired or because she doesn't want to talk about me leaving I can't say. All too soon we pull up to the airport and unload, going inside to meet the boys. Y/n yawns softly as we take a seat on the cold airport bench beside the others. Her arms wrap around my waist and her head rests against my side, her face buried in my shirt and hidden from view. A small sniffle tells me that she's crying and I rub her back softly, not knowing what to say to lighten the situation. She sniffs again, her hand moving to wipe a tear from her cheek. "I love you," I whisper, pecking the top of her head. She nods, knowing that if she opens her mouth to speak she'll lose it completely. "It's probably time to get going," Ashton sighs, rising to his feet. Y/n clings tightly to my t-shirt as we get up. She smiles up at me through tired, tear-filled eyes and I smile back sadly. "Ready?" Ashton asks, looking back at us. "Don't leave!" Y/n speaks finally, burying her face in my chest. "Shh," I say, rubbing her back, "shh." "Please don't leave," she repeats, a sob wracking her body. "You know I have to," I reply, fighting back tears in order to stay strong for her. She nods, although she doesn't let go. "Luke, we gotta go," Ashton says sadly. "Babe," I sigh, lifting Y/n's face so her eyes meet mine, "I love you so much. I'll be back before you know it." "I love you," she sighs, letting me kiss her gently. She pulls away, smiling up at me sadly. "I'll see you in a month, then," she says, hugging me tightly one last time.


She lies awake. I'm trying to find the words to say I wish I was, I wish I was beside you.

"Hello?" You say into the phone, surprised to be hearing from your best friend after so long not speaking. "Hey, Y/n! How's it going?" He asks you as if you talk every day. "Um, it's good. How's - how's tour?" You ask politely. "Good!" Calum answers. "That's good," you say before lapsing into silence. "Um, Calum?" You begin nervously, "Why did you call me?" "What do you mean?" Calum asks, sounding confused. "Well it's just that you haven't talked to me since you left for tour," you explain shyly, "I was just wondering why now." "I dunno," he mumbles, "I guess I missed you." "Oh," you say, biting your lip as you try to think of a response, "Okay." "Okay," Calum sighs in response. "I miss you, too," you admit as the feelings for Calum that you constantly push away come back. "You do?" He asks, sounding pleased. "Well, yeah," you say with a light chuckle, "Who am I supposed to cuddle with when you're gone?" "Don't find a new cuddle buddy!" Calum begs, "When I get back we'll cuddle and watch movies for a week straight." "It's a date," you laugh. "Ooh a date?" Calum asks cheekily. "I mean, uh, not a date, um," you stutter hopelessly until Calum cuts you off, "Relax, I was just messing with you." "Wow, I miss you," you sigh, more to yourself than to Calum. "I bet I miss you more," Calum challenges. "Impossible," you scoff, "You're seeing the world and meeting hot girls and living your dream! I'm stuck at home." "If you missed me why didn't you ever call?" Calum asks quietly. "I just figured you were too busy touring," you admit, "I kinda thought you forgot about me." "That's funny," Calum responds, "I was worried you'd forget about me." "How could anyone forget Calum Hood?" You chuckle. "So true," Calum jokes. The laughter subsides and silence falls again. "Hey, Y/n?" Calum asks quietly. "Yeah, Cal?" you prompt. "I just wanted to say that I, well, I just - um, you're a good friend," Calum ends weakly. "Thanks, Cal," you chuckle sadly, wishing he would've said something more. "I'll talk to you later then," he sighs before ending the call and mentally kicking himself for not admitting his feelings for you.


Another day and I'm somewhere new. I made a promise that I'll come home soon.

You wait impatiently for Michael to pick up his phone, hoping that it won't go to voice mail. "Hey, baby" You hear a sleepy voice say, "What's up?" "I was just calling to say hey," you say, trying to sound casual, although you miss him so much it hurts. "Oh, okay," Michael says with a soft chuckle, "Hey." "How was your day?" You ask, wanting to keep him on the phone. "It was - It was good," he answers with a yawn. "Wait, what time is it there?" You ask, realizing you hadn't taken into account the time difference. "Five in the morning," Michael tells you guiltily, as if the timing was his fault, "Oh, I'm so sorry!" You say in a rush, "I didn't realize you switched again!" "It's alright!" Michael says, sounding sincere, "We just landed yesterday." "I forgot about that," you sigh, "I'll let you get back to sleep." "No, no!" Michael answers quickly, "I mean, I'm up now, so how's it going?" "It's good," you lie quickly. "What's wrong?" Michael asks in concern. "Nothing," you sigh as your lip trembles and tears threaten to spill. "Tell me," Michael coaxes. "I just - I need you back," you admit, tears falling freely now. "Baby, don't cry," Michael pleads, "Please don't cry." "I c-can't do this any m-more," you choke between sobs. "I know it's hard," Michael sighs, "I miss you so much, but it isn't that much longer." "Another month," you correct, knowing it'll feel like an eternity. "It won't be that bad," he assures you, "We can Skype more and I'll call you more and I'll - I'll send you presents!" You give a watery laugh at Michael's idea and he laughs, too. "I promise we're gonna make it," he adds, sounding more serious than ever. "Okay," you sigh, not knowing what else to say. "I love you," Michael adds, making you smile despite yourself. "I love you, too," you reply. "Good," Michael affirms, "Then we have nothing to worry about, right?" "Right," you agree. Another yawn reminds you of how tired Michael must be. "I'll let you go now," you sigh, "Call me when you wake up again." "No, I'll stay and talk," Michael says before yawning again. "Go to sleep," you laugh, knowing he would stay up if you asked him to, "You need it." "I love you, baby," Michael says one more time before hanging up the phone.

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