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It's a different restaurant every time, at least until you find the one that makes you moan with each mouthful of delicious food. He wants to know everything as the sun goes down and the stars glitter in the sky, he asks more questions than you're used to, but you find you have just as many to throw back at him. He watches you with his honey eyes, constantly taking you in as though you're a piece of priceless art that he can't get enough of. When you're done with dinner, it's a movie or bowling, timeless classics. His favourite, though, is when you just wander around town together and continue to talk, with no one else around you to interrupt or make snide comments when he can't stop himself from kissing you.


He's hopeless, so it's down to you to come up with the plans if you want anything close to the dates you see in the movies. Luckily for him though, it's rare that you're that bothered and sometimes his mum mutters date ideas at him over breakfast, subtly of course so he feels like he's come up with it all by himself. He took you to the fair once and won you a huge, fluffy Koala that sits on your bed but most of the time he just drags you to McDonald's and pays for whatever you want, dragging you back to his after to play you songs he's written for you on his guitar. You couldn't care less what you do, because as long as you're with him, laughing and joking, your fingers intertwined, you were happy.


He likes elaborate affairs and always makes sure that your dates are textbook perfect. Strolls on the beach, expensive meals and constant gifts. He's the only guy to ever try so hard with you and you can't help but feel so utterly giddy over it all. He gives you all of him, opens up about his entire life with no hesitation and makes you feel comfortable enough to do the same. He always holds your hand and kisses you whenever he finds a spare moment. Your dates are organised and amazing, they show you just how much he values your time.


His place or yours, your dates tend to occur in those two locations. Dates that last the entire day and then continue on into the night. Sprawling on the couch under the duvet with Netflix and pizza, or playing endless hours of video games. He wraps you up in his arms, offers you candy and kisses whenever you want them, makes you laugh again and again. He loves you like this, no makeup on and hair resembling a birds nest. Loves that he doesn't have to share you with a single other person on these days. They're simple dates, private dates, that you wouldn't change for the world. Even if you have to buy the pizza when you lose the play fights again.

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