He Meets Your Parents

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"The house is a mess," you sigh to yourself, rearranging the pillows on your couch for the tenth time. "Is the kitchen clean?" You ask Ashton in a panic. "Yes," he chuckles, "You've asked me that three times already." "Right," you mutter, looking around again to make sure everything is in its place. "They should be here right now," you state, checking the clock and tapping your foot nervously. "Babe, relax," Ashton says seriously, grabbing you by the shoulders and rubbing his hands down your arms to grasp your hands. "The house looks great," he assures you. "I just want everything to be perfect," you explain, "My parents aren't too happy about the fact that we live together and they haven't met you, so we have to show them that we have it all together." "The dinner smells amazing, the house looks flawless, and we've practiced you introducing me a hundred times," Ashton reminds you, "We're ready." You nod in agreement and the doorbell rings, making you jump. "They're here," you whisper, eyes wide. "It'll be great. Don't worry," Ashton whispers back, pecking your lips before taking his place in the kitchen as practiced. You run to the door, letting your parents in and hugging them quickly before saying, "Ashton is just finishing dinner." You lead your parents into the kitchen where Ashton stands sprinkling basil on the pasta the two of you had made. "Mom, Dad, this is Ashton," you say with a wave of your hand. "So great to meet you," Ashton says, smiling widely.


"Luke, we gotta go!" You call to your boyfriend as you walk into the bathroom to see him straightening his tie in the mirror. "Maybe we should just meet your parents a different night," Luke mumbles, running a hand through his hair. "We're gonna be late," you tell him, ignoring his comment. He sighs and examines himself one last time in the mirror before turning to you. "How do I look?" He asks. "Hot," you affirm, grabbing him by the tie and pulling him in for a quick peck on the lips. He leans forward again, pouting when you don't kiss him. You sigh and press your lips to his, moving them slowly together as he steps closer to you. You pull away finally and he rests his forehead against yours. "I'm nervous," he whispers. "Don't be. They're gonna love you," You assure him, pecking his lips one last time before stepping back. "Now we really have to get going," you tell him, taking his hand and pulling him out of the house. You arrive at the restaurant you had agreed to meet your parents at fifteen minutes later. "Are you ready?" You ask Luke as the two of you head through the parking lot. "No," Luke sighs, looking down at you anxiously. "I know they're gonna love you," you say confidently, grabbing his hand and smiling up at him. "Y/n!" You hear a voice call. You look across the parking lot to see your parents making their way toward you. "Hey!" You call, scurrying toward them and releasing Luke's hand to envelope them in a hug. "This is Luke," you say, reaching for Luke's hand again as his other hand shakes your parents'.


"Oh, hi! Um, is Y/n here?" Calum asks your father, swaying nervously in the doorway. "You must be Calum," your dad guesses, surveying the young man and considering letting him in. 'Yes sir," Calum says with a nod. Calum reaches out his hand and shakes your dad's before explaining, "I'm sorry for showing up like this without warning. I just really need to talk to Y/n." "You can come in," your dad sighs, letting Calum into the house. He takes a seat in the living room and your dad calls up the stairs, "Y/n! Calum is here!" "Tell him I'm not home!" You yell back. "She's not home," he sighs, looking to Calum with a mix of confusion and pity. "Tell her I really need to talk to her," Calum pleads. "He really needs to talk to you!" Your father calls up to you. "Well, sucks for him!" You reply. Your dad looks to Calum and shrugs. "Sorry, kid," your dad says, patting Calum's shoulder awkwardly. "Dad!" You call from upstairs, "Is he gone?" "Uh, yes," your dad lies, motioning for Calum to be quiet. You make your way down the stairs and freeze at the bottom when you see Calum. "You let him in?" You ask, turning to your dad. He shrugs and you sigh, turning back to Calum. "What do you want?" You say, crossing your arms over your chest and waiting for him to speak. "Can we talk outside?" Calum asks hopefully. You sigh and step outside with Calum close behind. "Thank you," he whispers to your dad, shaking his hand again. "Good luck," your dad replies before Calum follows you out.


"Just don't scare him off, alright?" You say seriously to your parents as you await the arrival of your boyfriend, Michael. "I can't make any promises," your dad huffs. "I'm serious," you reply, "I really like him." "We'll see," he mutters, looking angry. "And please don't embarrass me," you plead, turning to your mom. She gives you a confused look and you elaborate, "No baby pictures or childhood stories - not on his first time over." "Okay, okay," your mom sighs. The doorbell rings and you take a deep breath to calm yourself. "He's here," you inform them as if they couldn't hear the doorbell for themselves. "Act, um, normal," you instruct before hurrying to the door. You let your boyfriend in and he smiles at you nervously before following you to the living room. "This is Michael," you state, "And, Michael, these are my parents." Your dad rises from his seat and juts out his hand, shaking Michael's tightly. "Quite a grip," Michael comments, wringing his hand in pain. "Michael," your mom smiles, reaching out and hugging him, "I'm so glad to be meeting you." Michael looks to you and gives you a quick thumbs up, making you laugh. "Now, Y/n told me not to bring out any baby pictures," your mom informs him, "She doesn't want me to embarrass her. She's gotta impress you!" "Mom, stop," you snap as Michael chuckles, smirking at you. "That's not what I said," you mumble, turning red. "You said don't scare him away and don't embarrass you because you really like him," your mom corrects. "Thanks, mom," you mutter, shooting Michael a glare as he laughs at your embarrassment.

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