A Rainy Day

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A knock on Ashton's hotel door is followed by Michael's head peeking in the doorway. "What's up?" Ashton asks, looking away from his reflection toward Michael. "Y/n is kinda freaking out," Michael sighs, "I know you're not supposed to see her, but maybe call her or something. She was crying last I heard." "Oh great," Ashton sighs, picking up his phone and selecting your contact. "Ashton?" he hears you say into the phone with a small sniffle. "Hi, darling," Ashton greets, "How are things in your room?" You pause for a second, and then all of your fear comes out in one question. "What if this is too soon?" you ask in a hushed voice. "It's not," Ashton assures you, "I know I want to spend my whole life with you, and you know you want to spend your life with me, right?" "Of course," you agree honestly. "Then what's the problem?" Ashton asks, confused. "Oh, Ash, it's raining out!" you cry into the phone. "So what if it's raining?" Ashton inquires. "It's bad luck to have rain on the wedding day!" you explain impatiently, another round of tears taking over. "You've never been superstitious before," Ashton points out with a small chuckle. "The wedding day is different," you mumble weakly, knowing deep down that Ashton is right. A small knock at your door pulls your attention from the phone. Swinging the door open, you gasp when you see Ashton. "You're not supposed to see me!" you remind him, reaching up and covering his eyes. "I thought two bad luck charms would maybe cancel themselves out," he giggles, taking your wrists in his hands and pulling your hands down to his heart, although his eyes remain closed. "I love you," you chuckle before kissing his unsuspecting lips. "I love you, too," he assures you, bringing your hands to his lips and kissing them softly, "And no superstition is gonna change that." "Okay," you sigh, knowing you were being silly. "Besides," he reminds you, "You love the rain!" "I know," you giggle, "I'm just going crazy." "Oh good. I was hoping for a crazy bride," Ashton jokes.


You bustle through the busy city streets, expertly navigating your way to your favorite breakfast place. You hug your pea coat tighter around you and keep your head down to avoid the chill caused by the unexpected downpour today had brought with it. You make a hard left onto the much less crowded path upon which your destination is located, and you are taken as much by surprise as the tall stranger is when the two of you collide, knocking you off of your feet. "I am so sorry!" he rushes to say as he rolls off of you. "That - that's alright," you answer, sitting up slowly. You watch with mild amusement as he rushes to scoop up your purse and then extends his free hand to you. Your eyes flicker up to his startlingly blue ones as you shyly take his hand, accepting his help in getting to your feet. "Oh, now your jacket is all dirty," he mutters, noticing the soft pink fabric of your coat splattered with mud. "That's alright," you mumble shyly, shrugging your shoulders. "Can I, er, can I make it up to you in any way?" he offers desperately, "Let me walk you to wherever you're going?" "I'm actually going right here," you inform him, pointing weakly at the quaint restaurant a building away. "Let me buy you breakfast then!" he offers enthusiastically. "You really don't have to," you assure him, "The jacket isn't a big deal." "Then let me buy you breakfast as a date," he suggests with reddening cheeks and a ghost of a smile. "Sure," you agree with a light laugh. "I'm Luke by the way," he informs you as he offers you his arm. "Y/n" you return, taking his arm and smiling up at him. "Well, Y/n, I'm glad I ran into you - literally ran into you," Luke says with a chuckle.


You stare at the drops of water trickling down your window and sigh as each one brings back memories of rainy days with Calum. Just as your itching hand reaches for the phone, it begins to ring. "Hello?" you answer immediately. "Hey," you hear Calum's voice respond. "How's the tour?" you ask, biting back what you really want to say. I need you home. "It's good," Calum says halfheartedly. "It's raining here today," you mention, knowing the memories of slow dancing in the rain and kissing despite the cold would flood back to him as they did you. "It's raining where I am, too," Calum says with a light chuckle. "It must be a sign," you joke with a sigh. "Must be," Calum agrees quietly. The chime of your doorbell draws you from the couch to the entryway. "Salesmen that continue even when it's pouring have my respect," you inform Calum as you unlock the door. Swinging it open, you drop the phone when you see not a salesman but your smiling boyfriend at the door. "Calum!" you gasp, flinging your arms around him. "What are you doing here?" you ask in shock. "I couldn't wait two more months," he admits, "And we had a few days off." "I missed you so much," you admit. "Come on," Calum directs, pulling you into the vacant street. He takes one of your hands in his and places his other on your hip. You begin to sway in the rain as he sings softly. "I miss you most on rainy days, ya know," you whisper as his forehead rests against yours. "I miss you most when I'm trying to sleep," he informs you. You release Calum's hand and bring both of yours to his face, pulling him down for a passionate kiss. The surrounding rain seems to be entirely ignored as the two of you stand still in the street, your lips connecting to his and saying everything you do not have words for. It is the honk of a car horn that tears you two apart. "Sorry!" Calum calls, grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the center of the street so the angry driver could pass. He pulls you against him again, not wanting to waste a second where he could be kissing you.


"Michael, come in the waves with me," you plead, struggling for your boyfriend's attention. "It's too cold," he says with a frown, not even getting up from his spot in the sand. "Besides," he adds with a content sigh, "I'm tanning." "You're tanning?" you repeat in disbelief, "Michael Clifford, the sky is entirely gray and you've never tanned a day in your life." "I thought I could start today," Michael says with a light chuckle. "I think it's even raining," you point out, as you notice drops of water hitting the sand. "Is it?" Michael asks, raising his eyebrows casually as he ignores the water hitting him. "We should probably head back," you sigh. "It's just a little rain," Michael states with a shrug. Just as you open your mouth to protest, the first crack of thunder is heard. Suddenly the rain is more than a drizzle, and Michael is grabbing your hand, pulling you across the wet sand. "I told you!" you shout over the roars of thunder. "Okay, you win!" Michael yells back as the two of you run. With soaked clothes and chattering teeth the two of you arrive at the small beach house you had rented. "I'm so c-cold," you say with a shiver to make your point. "A nice hot shower should warm you up," Michael suggests, "Maybe with a nice hot boyfriend." You roll your eyes, but grab Michael by the ice cold hand and pull him toward the bathroom.

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