You could be Happy- Song Preference

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"More than anything I want to see you, girl"

You woke up to your alarm clock buzzing. Looking at your phone, you had 3 missed messages from Ashton. Listening to each of them, you noticed how different he was in each of them. The first was calm and casual "Call me back when you get this". The second message a bit longer, "It's me, I know you're probably sleeping. Call me back soon". The third message was the worst. His voice was quiet and distraught "I miss you so much. You should be waking up soon, please call me". The last message was left about thirty minutes ago. This was the worst thing about timezones. When you woke up, he was going to sleep. When you went to sleep, he was waking up. If he ever needed you, it would be a while until you got his messages. You immediately called him, waiting as the phone dialed. "(Y/N)" a raspy Ashton voice answered. "Ashton I'm so sorry. I just woke up. Are you okay?" you asked him, concerned. "Yea, I'm fine. I'm just having a really bad night. I miss you so much. I just wish that you were here right now beside me" he said, letting out a shaky sigh at the end. "Ashton, I know. I miss you too. I know this time difference sucks. 2 weeks, okay. In 2 weeks I have a break from school I can fly out and come see you" you said, trying your best in any way to comfort him. "I just want to see you. I can't wait to see you" his voice getting quieter. "You will. I promise, I'm not going anywhere" you reassured him. The rest of the morning you spent talking to Ashton, until eventually he drifted off to sleep.


"And all the things that I wished I had not said are played in loops 'till it's madness in my head"

You stood silently in your room, your back against the door that you had just slammed in Luke's face. It was late, and you were tired. You crawled into bed, assuming that Luke would sleep on the couch for the night. You hated fighting with Luke, but this time he pushed it too far. His words weren't something that you could just shake off, they hurt. You rubbed away the last of your tears as you slept on your side of the bed, the other side completely empty. Exhausted from everything, you drifted to sleep. When you woke up your heart dropped as you noticed that Luke wasn't there. Was he even in the house anymore? Slowly you got up and walked to the door, afraid of finding that he had completely left you. Instead, you found Luke curled up on the other side of the door. He was still asleep and in his clothes from the night before. His eyes were puffy from crying and his hair was sticking out in all directions from running his hands through it. You leaned over and slightly shook him. "Luke...Luke wake up" you said softly. "(Y/N) I'm so sorry. I didn't mean anything I said. I couldn't stop thinking about how much I regretted it all night" he said, sitting up and looking into your eyes. "Luke it's okay...I love you" you said, waiting for his reaction. He smiled, "I love you too".


"You could be happy, I hope you are"

You sighed, as you walked around your apartment. It was one of those odd days when you were missing Calum more than usual. After your break up, it was hard to get used to a normal life again. You were going out shopping today, something you used to do all the time with Calum. He was probably in some other country now, touring with his band. He probably had another girl in his life, he was probably happy. It was good for him, he was doing what he loved and you were having a life of your own. You grabbed your purse and your keys before heading out. As you passed the park you remembered going there with Calum. One night he came over and told you that he had a surprise. That surprise was a blanket laid out at the park where he planned a star gazing date for the two of you. It was one of the best night's you'd had. You pulled into the parking lot of the little grocery store, and walked in. As you were going through an aisle you noticed a familiar silhouette. You glanced back again to discover that it was Calum. He lifted his head up to look straight at you. He smiled slightly "Hi (Y/N)". You smiled back "Hey Calum" you said, walking nervously towards him. You discovered that Calum was on a few months break from everything. He'd never gotten over the break up and asked you on a date, which you agreed to.


"Do the things that you always wanted to without me there to hold you back, don't think, just do"

You'd been waiting for Michael to come home for nearly 2 hours. When he finally walked through the door he announced that he was going to bed. "I haven't spoken to you in two days. Now that you're finally home don't you want to spend time with me?" you asked him, furious that he walked right past you. "Yea I've been busy for the past two days! That's why I'm tired! I'm sorry I can't spend every waking minute with you and I have a career to deal with!" he yelled, turning around to face you. "Michael if I'm such hassle and you never have time then just leave already!" you yelled, the words cold. "W-what?" Michael asked, no longer shouting but looking more like a little kid. "No, (Y/N). I didn't mean it like that, please" he said, taking your hands in his. You moved out of his grasp, "No, Michael. We can't keep doing this. It's just going to get harder and harder. I shouldn't be in your way of everything you have going for you. This is all you've ever wanted-". "You're all I ever wanted" Michael cut you off, "We can make it work, you can visit me while I'm on tour. You aren't getting in the way, you're keeping me together". Not even caring about anything he said before, Michael pressed his lips against yours. You gave into him as you kissed back. His hands found your hips and he pulled you closer to him. Michael gently rested his forehead on yours "We'll make it work, I promise".

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