Hot Chocolate

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"Alright what do you want?" the cute stranger at the front of the line asks two kids that you guess to be his younger siblings. "Coffee!" the little brother cheers. "You can't have coffee, Harry," the older one says with a frown, "You're too young." You can't help but giggle at the little boy's disappointment, making the older brother laugh, too. He smiles at you shyly, and you return it with a bit of a blush. "Then I don't want anything," Harry pouts. "Suits yourself," the older one chuckles, "Lauren?" "Hot chocolate!" Lauren says instantly. "Alright," he says before turning to you, "We'll take two hot chocolates." "What about me?" Harry asks suddenly. "You said you didn't want anything," the older one reminds him. "I want hot chocolate!" Harry says as if it should be obvious. "Okay, make that three hot chocolates," the brother says with a giggle. "Good choice," you say, smiling at Harry. "What's the name?" you ask the oldest. "Ashton," he answers. "Ashton," you repeat, writing it down, "Hi, Ashton." "Hi, er," you see his eyes flicker to your name tag before he finishes, "Y/n." You giggle and finish the exchange before moving to make their drinks. "Ashton!" you call out when the drinks are finished. You see Harry approaching the counter quickly, with Ashton a bit behind him. "My brother likes you," Harry tells you before Ashton can reach the counter. "Harry," Ashton groans, turning redder than a tomato. "Oh, he does?" you ask Harry, eyeing Ashton with a smirk. Harry nods and you lean closer, whispering loudly so that Ashton can still hear, "Should I give him my number?" "Write it on the cup!" Harry suggests. You nod and turn back to a very embarrassed Ashton. "Can I take that drink back for a second?" you ask with a laugh, "I need to check something." "Sure," Ashton chuckles, handing it over. You quickly scrawl out your number before handing it back. "Thanks," Ashton mumbles, "I'll call you." "Sounds great," you confirm before he walks off with his two very pleased siblings behind him.


"I think I'll just get a hot chocolate," you murmur as you scan the menu. You hear your boyfriend, Luke, chuckle beside you. "What?" you ask, looking up at him questioningly. "You've been saying all day how badly you need coffee," Luke reminds you, laughing. "Oh, yeah," you say as you remember, "Well I changed my mind." "I can't keep up with you," Luke sighs, making you laugh as the two of you step up to order. "Two hot chocolates, please," Luke orders for you both. "Hey, you said you wanted coffee, too," you remind Luke softly as the two of you wait for your drinks. "I changed my mind," he says in an imitation of your voice. "I don't sound anything like that," you say with a frown. "It was pretty close," Luke argues with a laugh. You shake your head and Luke says, "You couldn't do a better impersonation of me." "I'm Luke and I never change my mind and I have really great hair," you say in a thick Australian accent. "I'm Y/n and I change my mind a lot, but it's okay because I'm cute," Luke says in a high pitched voice, supposedly just like yours. "I don't change my mind that much," you defend, laughing. Luke opens his mouth to respond when the barista calls out that two hot chocolates are ready. "I hope you still want hot chocolate," Luke jokes as he grabs the cups and hands one to you. "You're so mean," you say, laughing all the same. "But you love me," Luke reminds you. "I do," you admit, smiling up at him.


"I can't find the marshmallows!" Calum shouts out from the pantry. "I'll just do everything," you joke, setting down the spoon you were using to stir. You meet Calum in the pantry and sigh when you see him attempting to climb up the shelves. "What are you doing, Cal?" you ask with a soft laugh. "Just, uh, looking for the marshmallows," Calum answers as he focuses on positioning his foot up onto the fourth shelf. "You're gonna fall," you tell him. "I've got it," he huffs, trying to hoist himself up higher. With a crash you see Calum tumble down, a broken shelf and a pile of food around him. "Oops?" Calum says guiltily. "You're such a pain," you laugh, reaching out your hand and helping up your clumsy boyfriend. "I was just trying to find the marshmallows," he defends with a laugh. You grab the bag of marshmallows off of the bottom shelf where it sat, clearly visible. "I guess I missed that," Calum mumbles, blushing. "You're such a dork," you giggle, shaking your head. Calum looks down, surveying the damage to the pantry and he sighs. "Let's just clean it tomorrow," you suggest, "Our hot chocolate is getting cold." "This is why I love you," Calum says, relieved that you're not mad and that he still gets his hot chocolate. "Yeah, yeah, I'm the best, I know," you joke, taking Calum's hand and pulling him toward you. He laughs as he leans in, connecting his lips to yours gently.


You clutch your hot chocolate in your hands as you exit the crowded coffee shop and head out onto the busy sidewalk. Just as you turn to walk down the sidewalk you feel someone crash into you. You gasp as the hot chocolate falls, spilling all over your shirt and the shirt of the stranger, on its way to the ground. "I am so sorry," the stranger says immediately. "Um, here, just - it'll be fine," he mutters hurriedly as he watches you try to get the hot chocolate off of your top. "I'll get napkins," he offers, hurrying into the coffee shop and returning with a pile of napkins. He takes a napkin and begins wiping at your shirt. He pauses mid-swipe and looks up from your shirt to your worried face. It's then that you both realize the uncomfortable positioning of his hands. "Sorry," he says instantly, retracting his hands and napkins from your chest. "That - that's alright," you mutter, embarrassed. "Uh, here," he says, offering you the stack of napkins. "I don't think it's coming out," you sigh, refusing the napkins. "I'm so sorry," he repeats with a distressed look. "It's fine!" you insist, "It wasn't all your fault, and your shirt is pretty bad, too." You gesture to his stained shirt and he looks down and laughs. "This shirt was like ten bucks," he informs you, making you laugh. "Well so was mine," you reason. "Was it really?" he asks in disbelief. "No," you admit, laughing. "I was gonna say it looks way too good to be so cheap," the stranger tells you with a laugh. "Thank you, I think," you respond, chuckling lightly. "I wasted your entire hot chocolate, too!" he suddenly realizes, looking at the empty cup on the floor. "It's really okay," you assure him. "I'll buy you another one," he offers, pulling you toward the coffee shop. "I'm Michael, by the way," he informs you with a shy smile

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