CHAPTER 2: Confession

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After two weeks of waiting for Spring Break Festival and the tiresome preparations for it, the moment that I've been waiting for, the dream date with Jayson Santos. It was just a dream and now it finally came true. This is really, really real. It doesn't matter if I hate crowded places as long Jayson is with me, I will be a-okay!

I am so excited, but I'm not gonna let it show. I don't want Jayson that I'm easy to get.

Take it slow and easy. Calm down.

A knock on my apartment had me stopping from day dreaming. It must him knocking. Jenny already went ahead to the venue and that left alone in the apartment. And Jayson will be with me the whole day! How wonderful is that?

I walked to the door to open up for him. And God! Look at him! Casual yet so stunning. When God graces the world with good looks, he must been awake during those times and received them all!

Oh God!

Holy gracious! My heart just won't stop from beating fast, I think I'm gonna have a heart attack. This is definitely too much for me to take.

"Hi!" Jayson greeted with a broad smile.

He was wearing a white fitted v-necked t-shirt that fitted his muscular features, and I can even see the traces of his six packed abs in it that make my mouth water. And those biceps, oh I want those strong sturdy arms wrapped around my body. And that tight fitting multi-pocketed black cargo pants sure take the shape of his muscled thighs. A perfect male specimen. I can tell you that.

What about his behind? I bit my lower lip with that thought.

"Ehem!" Jayson coughed and that got my eyes back to his handsome face again. God, was I too obvious?

Jayson grinned as if he just read my thought. I know I'm blushing and I can't help it.

"Are you done unclothing me with your eyes?" Jayson teased. My eyes went wide and my face grew red.

"Uh... Sorry, I didn't mean to... God! I'm so sorry... I-I just..." my God I'm stuttering? I'm really nervous now! He caught me in the act!

I blinked several times and looked and averted my gaze to the floor and bit my lower lip due to embarrassment.

"it's okay, I was also doing the same thing. You look amazing." He said.

Now that got me looking up to his face again.

What? Was he also eye-stripping me?

I tried to see it in his eyes. Yeah! I definitely see desire in his eyes. In capital letters. And he is serious about it! And that is HOT!

My eyes went wide.

"So? Are you going to let me in?" he asked.

"Oh, sorry I forgot! Come in." I blushed. I was too pre-occupied with my lustfull thoughts about him and forgot to let him in.

I opened the door wide to let him in. I was wearing a white summer dress hugging everything thing from breast part down to my hips with flowing skirt that goes very well with my two inch strapped open-toe and open-heel sandals.

I led him in to the couch for him to sit. Offered him for a drink and asked for a can of beer. Which he accepted. He only waited for couple of minutes and went ahead to the venue.

Along the way to the event without talking. I took the chance to break the awkward silence to apologize for what had happened earlier.

Jayson waved off the matter with his hand then said, "It's okay. You don't have to apologize. I was a bit agitated because I wanna impress you by looking good. And looks like it's a mission accomplished. I can see that you're not just impressed but you are also... you know? The look you gave me earlier it's as if you want me to do something to me right then and there." He laughed at the thought.

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