Chapter 27: Points of Authority

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YOUTUBE MV: Points of Authority by
Linkin' Park



Minutes later after Joyce's abduction, the police came and took all of our words for what had transpired in my house. I'm so tired and I am sporting a migraine and the cop infront of won't stop babbling about my concert. He's a fan and he is not hiding it at all. Nope not at all. He's done with the interrogation but he won't just leave me be and have some rest after the ordeal that I've been through.

Multiple motorcycles rumbled outside my house and the door slammed open making all heads turn to the door.

Terrence and Otis came in with Osbourne following them.

"Otis, why are you here?" I waved the police officer. I'm done with him anyway. I need to get back to business. Osbourne talked to the police to get his attention from me and my two men.

"Andrews having an awesome date with my daughter, so don't worry." He grinned amusingly.

Terrence and I exchanged looks, having the same expression knowing very well that the word "date" for his daughter is far from the real actual date we all know.

"Uhh..." Terrence broke the silence first. "You know you and your daughter sure have wierd taste when it comes to having a good time bonding."

Otis scoffed, "You have no idea Ter, you have no idea." He chuckled and patted Terrence in the back.

"O-kay... we have bad news and we need solution ASAP." I interjected. "Sanchez came here, as expected he will be. But what we did not expect is that he will come during the nights. He also took Joyce with him as collateral. I never thought he will be sneaking inside my house. And now my girl is in danger. Again." I said grimmily on the last part.

I have it all planned out but getting Joyce abducted is not part of it. At all.

"Boss, your girl just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Don't beat yourself out of it. You have us to help you out. The Darkside Gang and Darkside MC" Otis said assuringly. "You know I'm starting to get sick with our name. Your band name is Darkside. Isn't that a little redundant?" He said as he scrunch up his nose.

I laughed geniunely. The man have a point. Terrence snickered knowingly as he answered Otis' question, "Dude, Darkside Gang is not the actual name of the Gang, it's Midnight Wolf Gang. The boys just calls it darkside gang because of him," pointing to me. "His the founder of our group just like yours. Darkside band was created at the very same day. And then a year after Boss founded your club after he met you."

"Yeah, I remember that day. Man, I don't know what I would do without you two." Otis did a fake cry. Seriously?

I snorted. "Alright ladies enough with the drama we need to get to work. We have concert to prepare and a girl to save." I stopped as soon as Osbourne joined the meeting.

I lead them to the study and we proceeded with making a plan for the concert and the drugs that Sanchez will be distributing.

I just hope that Joyce could hold on until the day of the concert.

"We need to do something about the exchange of securities. Sanchez knows that I will be using Osbourne's men to secure the perimeters and he wants his own men in their position so that he can distribute this newly developed drug."

I placed the tiny container on the table for them to check. Otis took it and opened.

"What is this? A breath mint? This ain't drugs, it's a fucking mouth wash in thin film strips!" Otis said, unamazed.

Terrence took the tiny container from Otis and inspect it more thoroughly.

"The smell is menthol alright." Took out a piece of it and sniffed it and put it in his tongue.

Seconds later...

"Whoa!" Terrence blurted suddenly. "Fuck! that's strong..." he murmured as he swayed a little.

Osbourned gripped his shoulder and Otis took him and placed him down to a chair infront of my desk.

"Man, are you alright? What kind of breath mint is that?" Otis asked worriedly.

Osbourne took the container from Terrence and inspected it for himself but didn't taste it like Terrence did. He eyed Terrence and crouched down to look him in the eye.

"How do you feel Terrence? Tell us what you are experiencing right now."

"Oh, shit? Osbourne, is that you? Y-you look wierd, dude... you look like you came out from Willy Wonka's chocolate factory." Terrence looke around, eyes glazed like what normal drugs do to you. "Damn, am I in heaven? Everything is so bright! So shiny!" He tried standing up but failed. This drug is so strong. Then all of a sudden...

Terrence started dry heaving and threw up.

"Whoa!?" We all staggard towards Terrence.

Sh*t! This drug is dangerous. He just consumed it and he is already throwing up non-stop! This drug is so strong!

"F*ck, we need to call a doctor!" Osbourned shouted.

"Otis call Lax!"

Otis fished his phone out and dialled.

Minutes later Lax came in with his medical kit, pulled out a syringe and some liquid something and put it into Terrence blood stream.

Seconds later Terrence stopped throwing up and fell unconscious. But hus breathing is unstable. Lax took his esthetoscope

We all fell silent.

"This drug must not go public." I said.

"Osbourne, take a sample of that drug and bring it to your team and have another sample for the Philippines Police team to work on it. Sanchez is definitely working with a local syndicate in developing and manufacturing that new drug. We need the InterPol for this, and that's your field. Otis Lax get some samplea too and study it, research it and make some antidote to counter the effects of that drug. Make sure to produce enough to flush out that the system. Observe Terrence until he gains consciousness," I paused and brushed my hands to my face. I feel very frustrated now. "We need our undercover members to fly out here in the Philippines, use my private plan. I need all of them here a week before the concert..."

"But that's three days from now?" Otis interrupted.

"I know and I don't care. Sanchez is on a loose and he's preparing to use my concert as his distribution center and I will not let him do that. Alot of teenagers and young adults will be going there and that is his target. I will not be the reason to their early deaths. Especially is the reasons is because of consumotion of illegal drugs supplied by Sanchez." I walked to the door and turn back to them when I opened the door. "Mike will help you out with everything from here on, I will just go to my room for a while." Then I turn to leave and to our bedroom.

I need a clearhead to start. I'm tired, sleepy and frustrated. I needed focus.

I flopped down to the bed and smelled Joyce's tantalizing scent covering my bed, murmuring a silent prayer to her.

"Wait for me baby, I'm gonna save you..."

Then sleep took over me without further ado.


End of Chapter 27

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