CHAPTER 23: Let the Games Begin

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Youtube MV: Killing Strangers by Marilyn Manson


As soon as they transfered Joyce to her private room Caren and I followed behind the nurses who had taken her.

I see she have incurred slight bruises and bumps and bandage on her head. A slight sigh silently escapes me seeing that she's awake and conscious. Worry has instantly dissipitated from my chest knowing that somehow she's still safe.

A soft, small smile is printed on her slightly bruise lips and I couldn't help but give her the same reaponse.

"Pinakaba mo kami dun ate alam mo ba?" Caren said in her native tongue letting her know that she got her worried about her.

I just watched the sisters exchange their humurous exchange.

I let out a sigh, women. I couldn't help but think.

But worry still eating deep within me. Anxious to go to my playground and torture who ever made the first moved just as we expected. But that could wait. I wanna make sure that Joyce is safe before heading down there, and let my littlw devil out and finish this battle once and for all.

After zoning out the girls with their greetings, I asked Caren if she could leave alone for the mean time so that Joyce and I could talk in private, which she happily obliged.

I watched Caren left the room and turn my head to Joyce and walked till I reach the side of her bed and sit beside her.

Gazing down her beautiful face I couldn't help but think the days that I have sacrificed by not seeing her these past few years. Just being content in looking only on the pictures that always receive from afar.

Yes I have searched for her as soon as I regained my consciousness from coma. I lied to her when I told her that I lost my memory. Truth is I never lost all of memories to protect her. Now that this plan is on it's second stage and the culprit have been identified, I'll make that he will no longer see the rising ever again; him and his cartel, even his little stupid spy.

I'm not stupid to not know his little game but I have the upper hand.

Through my vast resources and connections gained through the years, and meticulous and organized plans this is just but a miniscule to me.

"How are feeling?" Sofly asking her as I touch her soft left cheek with the back of my fingers, careful not touch the almost fading bruise on her face.

A soft smile filled her solemn face, love and adoration filled her beautiful almond shaped eyes, "like shit, I could say, like I have been hit by truck..." letting out a little chuckle from her lips.

I breath out a deep sigh, know it's partly my fault that caused her this.

"You're fine that's good enough for me. I couldn't tell you enough how relieved I am knowing the you're fine. I have already talked to the police and my guards to find out who the one who did this to us. Nothing's going past this time baby."

I saw worry grip her beautiful eyes. I know what she thinks. She know that who ever did was the one kidnapped her and the who wants to get to me.

"Don't worry I have everthing handled, so rest your worries for now and three days from now you'll be ouy from this shit place. I hate hospitals really." I tell her.

I kissed her forehead and added, "I be out for the meantime. I need to get to the boys and talk to the police to find the person who did this so that next month there will no more incidents like this." And she nodded.

As soon as I left the room, I found Caren sitting on the waiting area and left her under her sister's care. Ordered few of my bodyguards to be in the hospital with her to keep her any harm and threats, along with my gang outside the hostipal posting as civilians roaming around the streets to report any unsual activities lurking around.

The game is on and I'm going now to my playground.


In a couple of hours I finally arrived in the docks. Where one of the warehouses where my playground is located.

My men surrounded the place, protected my gang and MC.

As I a enter the place I was greeted by my guards directing me to the cell where the traitor is tied up.

I see that Mike next to him is Terrence, the leader of the gang I founded, beside him is none other than Otis, the assigned leader of Darkside MC, which I also founded.

They were all standing infront of me thier backs facing me until Mike turned his head to acknowledge my presence.

I shut the door behind me and step in beside Mike's.

Terrence, in his tall bulky body, full of tattoo in his glorified black leather Jacket ant tattered black denim jeans broke the silence while staring the man who is now tied up in the chair said, "We haven't touched the spy, boss. What do ya wish to do?"

I didn't give him my answer, but I already have an idea. Torture will not be enough foe this guy to spill things up. I have the perfect man for that. What kind of boss I am if I don't have the right man by my side.

I snickered, "wait for the spy to wake up. It'll be any seconds from now."

They all waited. I noticed Otis' impatience. I smirk in my mind. "Patience Otis, you're handicraft will soon be witnessed."

Otis, just like Terrence have big built, but big as Terrence does.

And soon after, the spy have finally woke up.

"Otis, be a little gentle. We need him alive." I ordered. Walked off to the farther left side of the wall. Hidden in the dark while I watch my two men do thier work. Mike followed behind me.

"Text Ash and Lo, they have a reward waiting at the mansion for thier hard work in taking notice of this spy." I said to Mike.

He complied to what I said.

"How did you know it was Andrew?" He asked.

I had him followed. He's always gone everynight so I had him followed. Tapped his phone, after Joyce kidnapping. He was nowhere around during that time and who else have access to the hotel room during this time." As I recall that Andrew was always missing most of the time, when he does not any schedule for the covering us.

I had Osbourne track his whereabouts at all times. And found out the the guy was an illigitimate child of that bastard leader of that cartel who killed me and my father.

My thought cut-off the by the scream of Andrew, as Otis tortures him.

I see Otis picks up a metal cutter. While Andrew was tightly tight up in a chair, drenched in sweat.

Andrew is not the tough guy. Sure enough he will crack before the hour ends.

I stood up with Mike, and exits the warehouse. Tomorrow, Otis will give me the good news and then the Cartel will go down.


Hi guys!

Sorry for the delay.
You have seen the dark side of our beloved rock star Jace. Who knows he was a big boss huh?

Follow through to the next coming chapters and see what happens next.

Thanks for reading, dont forget to vote, comment and follow.

Thanks Joy

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