Chapter 28: Just Passing Through

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Youtube MV: Haunted by Evanescence



My head aches like it has been cracked open several times in a row and my throat felt like sandpaper in its dryness, it made me cough terribly it hurts. What did I drink last night?

"Pretty girl is awake, boss." A gruff masculine voice said and my eyes popped open all of a sudden.

The room is dark and only a sliver if light illuminated the room.


That's when I realized that I was tied up in a chair. Again.

No! Not again!

I groaned, not just because of my current predicament but also of the headache I'm currently experiencing.

A rustling of clothes slowly caught my attention as it grows nearer and nearer and a blurry man in a business dark suit crouches down infront of me, making sure that I see him in eye level.

"Good, you're awake. I thought I'm gonna have to slap your pretty face awake. Wouldn't want to damage that pretty face of yours, would we? I have other plans for you, you know." The man said.

This man... he have a dangerous look in hus face. Dark-brown hair, dark-brown eyes with a scar running down from his forehead through his eye brows to his eyes down to his dented cheeks and full darkened lips that have tasted plenty of cigars during his lifetime accompanied by dark, heavy Latino accent.

My eyes widened in realization as soon as the haziness left me.

Oh shit! Is this who I think it is?

"Yes! I am Sanchez, sweetheart. The one and only." He stood up with a smug face as if proud that his name has become famous.

Well I doubt that. Jace said that he will go down today. Or so I think.

"Where am I? What have you done to me?" I croaked in a gritted teeth. I'm really pissed at this man. He abducted me right in our home. I just wish that Jace knew that I was gone.

"Don't you worry that pretty, little head of yours, sweetheart. You're safe... for now." And he walked back to a door where another man in a black suit is waiting.

"Jace and I have a business agreement and you are my collateral. More like an insurance so that he will not flip." He said laughing as he turned his head back to me with an evil glint in his eyes.

"Your boyfriend will be my bridge to billions of pesos here in your beautiful country. He agreed to use his very own concert to distribute my newly developed drug. And what would make him, Alfonso?" Asking the guy next to the door.

"An accomplice, boss."

"Right! An accomplice to my drug dealings. And as long as I have you, he will do as I say."

And before I knew it, he was already out of the door tagging along his dog, Alfonso, with him.

My eyes wide with panick.

Jace would never agree with a drug deal. He lost his father because of it and almost cost his life as well. He will never make a deal to anyone that is related to drugs especially to that filthy drug lord, Sanchez.

I tried to remove the thing that binds my hands to the arm chair, but it was tied so tightly and neatly, I can't almost feel my fingers anymore. I felt so helpless. I can't do anything right. I can't even help myself from being kidnapped and now Jace is being forced to deal with drugs because of me. He will be risking his entire life and career because of me and I can't let him do that to himself even if it cost me my life.

I stopped struggling and started to observe my surroundings.

The room is concrete. No wall paints. Just gray cement finish. The air is damp and moist. The windows, nailed with wooden planks making is dark and impossible to escape. The ceiling is concrete as well and the door is made of heavy steel.

Just where the hell am I?

I closed my eyes and tried to focus on my sense. Nothing. It's awefully quiet outside.

I think that's good. It means no one is guarding my door.

But how can I escaped in here? Both my hands and feet are tied in this stupid chair. The binding felt thick and sticky. They used duct tape to tie me up. Good thing they didn't tape my mouth. It's a good thing that they didn't use a rope. Because that will make things difficult.

Slowly but surely I tried to move have hands. Rolling, squeezing, wiggling my wrist until the tape loosened.

I stared at the door while doing this. And since the room is dark leaving only shadow images of myself, they will not notice that I have loosened my bindings. There is a little light coming from outside. No movements out there, but I bet there is a guard out there somewhere. Hopefully, not too many.

"I need to think! Think of something, damnit!" I whispered to myself. I need to get out of here fast.

The tape felt loose enough so I tried prying my hands off the tape, squeezing my palms to fit under it as tried to slide it off. I can feel the irritation that I have caused on the skin of wrists. Blisters and welts will surely show after this. However my hands is still stuck within the bindings. I need to widen the space of my bindings. Duct tapes are expandable and easy to tear. It's designed to be torn apart easily using just your hand, no need for blades or scissors to cut-it off.

So with the last of my strength, I did the strongest yank on my right hand to free it. Causing me to accidentally punch my own right cheek silly.

Damn that hurts.

Surely, I will have a dark bruise under my eye. I'll just blame it to Sanchez. I smirked at my own silly thought.

I didn't waste any time. I used my free hand to free my left hand, then my feet.

I immediate sprint to the door, making sure that I produce no sounds to alert whoever is outside my door, if there's any.

I ducked and used the space underneath the door to check out what's waiting for me outside.

I see nothing but a wooden plank facing my door. Must be a stair? I stand up to my full height and I'm about to raise my hand to grip the handle when I noticed something is missing.

The damn door does not even have a handle!

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" I irritatedly whispered to myself.

How come I didn't notice this before? It should be the first thing I should check before look outside the door. How can I pull it open if there's no handle?

I almost stomp my feet like a child for missing this tiny detail. I looked around again to see if I can use something to open this heavy door. Something like a crowbar maybe? Before leaving the door, I checked it again to make no one is outside. Nothing. Then something clicked in my head. My eyes shot towards the door's hinges. And my smile is just like whenever I recieved my Christmas Bonus for this year's pay.

Excitedly, I started yanking the screws on the hinges using my hairclip.

Thanks God for the inventor of these hairclips.



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