CHAPTER 15: My Comfort Zone

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Youtube MV Title: I Can
Performed by: Regine Velasquez, Mikee Cojuanco and Donna Cruz

This song is dedicated to my sister Caren.



I am so mad and scared. I don't know what to think anymore. Obviously I don't know the man who he is anymore. Yes. Given the time after his sudden my life and then showing up like this and then now, after my kidnapping incident, I could no longer hold on to my emotions.

I am so damn angry!

What have ever done to be in this situation? I just only want my job done. This is my dream. I only have one family left and it is my biological sister. After my adoptove parents died she is the only that still remains attached to me. I have been independent for so long and now this happened.

After awhile of shutting mu mouth up I could no longer hold up my silence. I want to cry, I really do. But anger more prominent that giving way to grievances of my shock and scared state.

"Why are you doing this to me! You already left me! Why did you have to come back and put life in danger! You have no right! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT?!!" I was hysterically shouting at him.

I can no longer hold my tears. Too much anger and it hurts me. Too much hurt and too scared.

The boys are not around and I don't care even if they hear me being hysterical. I just want to shout the pent up frustration I have infront of this man who tore me apart and is still tearing me apart.

I can see the shock in his face and hurt and guilt. I know his hiding something and I don't care anymore. The past 3 years has been hard for me. And I will not let hurt me again.

He tried to speak by opening his mouth but said nothing. He's still hiding it and I doubt he will say anything, so didn't give him a chance to speak. I dashed out from the living room. Out from this place and called my sister to meet up with her.

I hear her phone ring and after the third one she picked up.

"Hey!" I hear her cheerful voice. As much as I love to sound cheerful but couldn't. I'm too angry, too hurt and too confused.

"I need you Caren, can you please pick me up? I-I'm at Tagaytay Highlands Subdivision..." then I sob. my body shaking uncontrollably.

"O-okay I will go right now. Stay where you are I will be there in ten." I know she worried. She's my little sister. Though I did not grew up with her due to my separation with my biological family we still manage to be close together. I guess 'blood is thicker than water' like what the old people say.

So wait for her car to arrive infront of the subdivision gates for atleast ten minutes or so. Until a black toyota mercedes stops infront of me and the window of the passenger seat goes down and her beautiful face pops out from the view.

Ah... my little sister who looks exactly like me, only younger same facial features but you can tell she slimmer than me. She's more health conscious and prefers to be sexy and slim. And I'm not. You could say I'm more voluptious. Or curvy in a way. I don't find my self sexy, but I find her sexy. I wonder sometimes why she is still single. I don't recall her having any relation. She always tells me that she haven't the right man yet. And whenever I ask her that question. She will just ask the same thing back to me, so I never bothered. But this this time will be different.

"Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna get in?" She asked annoyingly breaking my train of thought. So hop in to her and then she drove off.

"Have you eaten sis?" She ask after of a couple of silence.

"I'm hungry, can you take me to your favorite place?" I ask.

"Sure thing" she smile while eyes on the road. "Big sis, I know something's troubling you. You crying on the phone means that you are really hurting." Then she sighed and continued. "But I'm not gonna pry on that for now because I'm hungry, too. So let's fix our stomach first and talk after, yeah?"

Ahhh... my lovely sister, she knows me well. We drove off in calm silence until we reached her favorite restaurant. They serve a very delicious food that the towns people love. She ordered their specialty dish called 'Bulalo'.

Bulalo is a beef dish from the Philippines. It is a light colored soup that is made by cooking beef shanks and marrow bones until the collagen and fat has melted into the clear broth. Bulalo is native to the Southern Luzon region of the Philippines. That consist of Main ingredients such as beef shanks, cabbages, corns, fish sauce, garlic, onions, potatoes, lemon and other secret spices.

I took a sip of the delicious broth and I mean the taste is so heavenly. I chewed on the beef and it melts in my mouth. I love this food. I will not get tired eating this scrumptious dish every freaking day. I mean it. I don't care if I get fat as long as it is one of my favorite dishes. Hell to what they say. But fortunate I do not gain weight. I wonder why? So while eating I accidently let out a moan because of this lovely food inside my mouth, then I heard her laughing at me. I snap open my eyes and I see people starring at me. I felt my face reddening and my eyes darted at her laughing out loud state. I frowned. I mean I didn't even realize what I am doing. God this is embarrasing and my sister is enjoying my humiliation. So I threw the bone marrow to her. But reflex is good than mine. So she easily caught it.

"Hey! Watch it, hahaha!" Still laughing and snorting. She can't help it and I can no longer help it as well and yeah, though I think what I did is shameful but I got to admit, it really is funny. So laughed with her until we're sated.

"Okay, now that you're comfy enough let's finish the food and I'll take you to my place okay?" With a smile on her face and my face I gratefully accepted her offer. Somehow I now feel okay. For the meantime, I don't have to worry about my problem. I'll be fine with her with me. She's my comfort zone. And always will be.


Hey guys!

Sorry for the wait. But give you now Chapter 15!

I know it is short and I promised my sister that she will have a role in this story, so here you are sis! So I hope you loved it. You will still have more of you here in the story so keep on reading! Love you! Mwah! 😘😘

And oh! Don't forget your votes, leave your comments and share this with everyone!

Till next chapter!


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