CHAPTER 5: Dark Side's Arrival

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An international number showed up on the incoming call. I stared at it for a while before picking it up.

"Hello?" I answered. Then afterwards it hunged up.

I took the phone off and stared at the screen.

What the hell was that all about?

I stared at it with confusion. And then after a couple send it rang again.

The same phone number. This time I took a deep breath before answering it hopefully this time caller will not hang up on me or I will not answer the 3rd call at all.

With that reserve I finally picked-up the call.


I heard a deep sigh on the the other end.

"Hi, this is Jace..." a deep baritone voice on the other line.

Wow? He sounded sexy...

It kinda caught me off guard somehow it sounded familiar but I couldn't recall when or where have I heard his voice.

Probably on the youtube that I watched...

I thought. Well, what other explanation it could give me anyway? Such sexy voice like that could simply take your breath just like right now. Yeah, right now seem I have forgotten to breath as soon as I heard his introduction.

I was speechless for the first time.

"Hello, are still there?" The caller said getting my attention back to the phone.

"Y-yeah, still here..." I stuttered.

"Yes Mr...Jace, how can I be of assistance? Ah... wait, how did you get my number?" I suddenly realize that thought.

"Oh! Uhm, sorry. Yeah, I kinda got it from our Manager Dom. He asked me to call you that we had a change of plans..." he said.

"Change of plans? Are you cancelling the concert?" I was suddenly alert of the thought that they might cancel the concert.

This had put me into panick. My career is at risk here and if they cancelled the concert, what will happen to me then? This is my last hope of retribution for my job.

I heard a slight laugh on the other line. He seemed sound amused though.

That made me stare at my phone and held it back to my ear again.

That laugh sounds very sexy, too. My mind drifted again. I wonder how he looked like in person laughing.

"No, we're not cancelling the concert. In fact, we'll be heading there in advance. Which means to say we'll be arriving there in the airport todays from now." My jaw dropped in that instant.

They will be here in two days time! I thought they will be here on thursday next week!

I closed my mouth instantly. My mind is now in scramble. Damn, I'm starting to panick. I have not finished the details yet for interview and the plot for the coverage. I have not contacted the office yet to request for a cameraman to assist me yet. JEEZ! My mind is starting to go overdrive.

After couple of seconds of being stunned. I decided to think straight and calmed myself.

"That's... that's GREAT!" I suddenly blurted out, which sound like more I squicked the last word though, trying to adjust my surprised reaction.

"M-may I now the reason of sudden change about the schedule, if you don't mind me asking?" I finally settled down trying to put my thought process back.

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