Chapter 29: Combat Girl

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At last, I have successfully removed the hinges of the metal door. And despite it's heavy structure, I was able to quietly place it down on the concrete floor without making any alarming noise. And just what I have thought earlier, I am in some sort of basement.

I honestly don't know where I am, but I'm definitely going to leave this place.

Ascending from the basement, I am faced again with another, and this time, this one have a door knob.


Twisting the knob around, I found that it is not locked. I slowly pushed the door open, making sure not to make any noise.

After checking the place out that no one's out there, I immediately dashed out finding the exit. That's when I noticed the inevitable dead end.

"Damn!" I did not pay attention at my surroundings at all.

It was a hall way of concrete halls with plumbing lines on the ceiling. It is still a basement. Probably I'm underground of a building. A hotel maybe? There is no way I'm below a house. Or a mansion.

"There must be a stairwell somewhere or an elevator here."

I dashed to the other way around, looking for signs and directions above head. If I'm in a hotel, there is a possible chance that there's an emergency map down here for emergencies.

And there I found one beside a fire extinguisher and fire hydrant. I went straight for it. Studied the map. About for 20 steps ahead of me is an emergency exit leading to the parking lot.


Too easy... Way too easy...

Why do I have this nagging feeling that it is a trap? I need to find an alternative exit. A service elevator is possible in these area but where can I find it. This place is like a damn maze to me. Too many turn-arounds.

I studied the emergency map once again trying to find any alternative escape routes and emergency exits. There are two emergency stairs on the north and on the south side of the basement both leading to parking lot and a service elevator at the far-end east side of the basement, probably a yard or two away from me. While the emergency stairs-only the north stairwell is nearest on my end.

I have yet to find any of Sanchez's men down here, so I'm betting that they are guarding the parking lot upstairs. I don't have my phone with me so I don't know what time of the day it is already. If I'm going for the parking lot, and if it is night time, there is a big chance they will easily spot me, but if it is day time I can hide behind cars and able to sneak-out of the place.

I bit my lower lip trying to think if this is a good idea at all. Risking my life for what again?

I released a silent groan and growl, careful not to make any sounds in my silent dilemma.

"This is so damn crazy! Crazy! CRAZY?!" I shouted in a breathy whisper, while clutching my head that is slowly giving me a headache.

I'm starting to lose my cool, collective mind and panick is starting to set in. But I refused to be taken over by panick. I stopped pacing around that I never notice that I ever moved at all.

Going back to the emergency map, giving my lungs a deep, big few calming breaths to control my nerves. I started studying the map once more and this time thoroughly.

I'm going to be an investigative reporter after this and I have to be brave, if not brave enough at least I have enough courage to live through this. Danger is part of an Investigative Journalist and this is indeed a dangerous situation. And if I live after all of this fiasco? And that Sanchez will be finally be behind bars? I will be able to tell this story to the entire world to witness- on how I survived this lifetime against Sanchez.

I hope.

After studying the map and concluding my escape plan and my internal pep talk, my ears caught echoes coming from where I left off. Echoes of shoes clicking and clanking against the concrete floor. Heavy footsteps coming towards me. By the sound of it, it's probably a man or two... they were chatting and bickering back and forth to one another about a basketball game.

Boys. Rolling my eyes out here for you.

I scampered away from the emergency map to find a good hiding place until I spotted a door. I jiggle the handle and it easily gave away and pushed it open and hid inside. Making sure to lock it as silently as I could.

It's dark inside, but the smell of sweat is really disgusting it made my nose cringe. I slowly lift my hand to search for a light switch but thought otherwise. The men outside are still moving out there and their sounds are getting closer and closer by the minute.

I placed my ears on the door praying that they go straight ahead away from my hiding place as I listen to their movement outside.

After a couple of minutes, I finally heard an echoe of a door opening and closing from the far end of the hallway. Probably the one that leads to the parking lot. So that means it's probably close from here. But I need something to defend myself incase the situation gets ugly.

I continued my search for the light switch from earlier. After switching the lights on, my eyes adjusted to the room.

This place is full of trinkets and smelly socks and an open-dented single locker. Then an old, big 2000 model of windows computer with a pile of documents. And on my left side is a huge basket labeled 'Lost & Found Items' and on my right side is a single couch and an old small black and white tv.

The place reminds me of a maintenance closet? I think this is where the maintenance guy hides away from his hard days work. The place is really small but adequate enough for him, I guess.

I moved towards the lost and found items and search the piles and piles of object left by other people. I need some things that can help me escape and defend myself from surprise attacks. It can't hurt to be prepared you know...

'Expect the Unexpected' that's one of my mottos in life. And this situation right here is going to be full of surprises. Then I froze on my franctic search.

A grin crept on my cheeks. Heaven must be on my side, as I lift the gadget to my face until a full blown smile covered my entire face.

A Cassio Digital Hand-held Recorder.

I can definitely use this to gather evidence as proof for Sanchez's dealings and other stuff.

Pocketing the digital recorder after turning the record button on, the perks of digital recorder-no time limit. I continued my search until I finally gathered everything I needed for survival. I truely have struck lucky today.

I got a digital recorder, a half-filled can of mace, a taser gun disguised a phone and a retractable metal rod. Huh! Good thing I did 'Arnis Combat Training' every now and then at Quezon City Circle held by well trained stuntmen and martial artists every sunday morning.

It's a free course guys try it sometimes.

What? A girl needs to learn how to defend herself nowadays you know.

Now I'm ready for adventure and action. I opened the door ready to walk-out of this disgusting closet like room, without thinking twice until I bumped into something hard, hurting my damn nose and ready to shout hell at whoever I bumped into.

Realization hit me like an 18 wheeler truck.

I bumped into someone!

Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh. Holy. Shit!?

I slowly lift my sight to whoever he is, and my eyes widen in surprise, fear and shock.



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