CHAPTER 12: Message

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I woke up with a headache. Somehow the place felt foreign. The hard surface underneath me tells my instinct that someone had placed me in here. I tried opening my eyes but then I realised that I have been blind folded. I can not see anything or hear anything. It was damn too quiet wherever I am. The place is cool. Well ventilated perhaps. Smells... sanitized. Then panicked slowly creeps in under my skin. Turning to a panick attack.

I whimpered silently. Scared that my captor will hear me whoever he was. I don't want thier attention to turn to me. My brain had shut down due to my panick attack. My body starts to shake and breathing is difficult enough for me to think straight. My resolve had left me.

I tried hard to take slow deep breaths with little sanity that I have left. I will not let the panick to rule my body. It will not do good for me. How I failed miserably. I want to know how I ended up in this situation I'm at. My tears had soaked the blind fold. And the cool air made it more cooler. I'm in an airconditioned room.

I tried to take more deep breath. Tried to not think anything else and focus only on my body. In which I have learned on my Psy 101-basics of self hypnosis seminar that I had attended due to my insomnia back in the days. Which is very effective by the way.

I tried to calm my body muscle to muscle, fiber to fiber and nerves to nerves. And my breathing started to slowly calm. My mind starting to clear out. The blackness of the blind fold had started to clear as well.

Slowly I analyzed again my surrounding using my senses. The feeling of the surrounding is definitely cool. It is eerily quiet. Sanitized air with a hint of somesort airfreshener that can only be smelled in some drive-through motels. And on the other aide of my blindfold are specks of light. I'm in a motel room. I know that smell is familiar.

I know it is eerily quiet, but if I am in a motel room. Then someone is with me and whoever they were, they make damn good in staying silent.

I must be lying in the floor because I'm starting to feel the rug in my sensitive skin. Damn, I'm allergic to dust. I'm gonna develope rashes later if I'm not taken to a different surface immediately. I'm starting feel the itch in my skin now that the panick have subsided.

I tried to struggle a little. My feet and wrists are bound with some sort of thick ropes. And it really, really hurt. My hands are feeling cold and numb due to lack of blood flow through my veins. That's when I hear a rustling, creaking and a deep heavy sigh from somewhere inside this room.

I knew I'm not alone and I decided to talk to captor.

"Who are you? Where am I? What do you want from me." I said softly. Best not anger whoever this person was.

Clearly they didn't want to be known or else they will not blind fold me.

Instead of answering my questions, what I heard was a shifting of something soft above me. Probably from the bed?

I can feel his watching me. Maybe from the start?

Another deep heavy sigh. And then another rustle. And minutes later I am being carried and layed down carefully to a soft, cushiony surface. The bed.

Then I felt the heavy dent of the bed between my head. I can see the outline of my captors silhuette behind my blindfold but not enough to distinguish him. But cleary he is a he. He is on top of my. Observing me. I can smell his breath, his after shave and his expensive perfume. Too strong for my liking. But I didn't react to that.

I asked again. "Who are you? Where am I? What do you want from me?" As calm as possible.

Then I got my response back.

Felt a cold metal touch under my chin touch my throat. Then it registered to me the posibility that whoever this person is he got a knife stuck in my throat.

My mind went on througj several thoughts on me dying in this place and I don't want that to happen. I'm still too young to die and dreams to fulfill.

"I want you to deliver message to your boyfriend..." the man said. "Tell him I got my eyes on both of you. I come to collect some debts. If remain unpaid, your life will be the payment."

Fear gripped me tight after he mention that he'll me if the 'debt' remained unpaid.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about. Y-you've got the wrong p-person. Please just let me g-go" I didn't realize that I already crying. I am so, so scrared fory life, begging for him to spare. They've got the wrong person because I don't have a boyfriend that's for sure. I hear myself sobbing terribly and scared for my life.

"Oh, we did get the right person. And you may not know what's happening but you boyfriend surelu does." The man said then laughed.

The man's laugh gave me shivers. An evil laugh that scared me even more. I don't know if I will be able to live. But then an suddenly pain had struck me from the back of my neck and blocked out.



Right after the concert had ended, I immediately entered the back stage to look for Joyce buy no sign of her anywhere. I asked the staff if they seen her. One of them said that she went to the restroom, but that was before the concert ended. And that 2 hours ago. Panick had started to rise up.

Before the concert even started I have already recieved reports of plots being held tonight, that's why I gave Joyce to be careful.

I went to the restroom, careful not to be noticed by other people to avoid suspecions. But it was empty. Damn! Where is she. No one have seen her. I looked around. I don't see the guys I seen earlier. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! They found me!"

I ran to Mike "Mike they found me. Joyce's missing for 2 hours now. I think they have taken her!" Mike's eye grew wide. "Shit! How did they figured out?"

I traces my fingers to my head. I don't know what to do. "Fuck man, I don't know! I told Joyce to stay put but still ended up taken! We need to tell Osbourne." If these guys know about Joyce then they definitely know now who I am. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

I pulled up the phone in my pocket and called a number under my speed dial list.


Sorry guys it took awhile for me to post. I know this one short. Got stressed a little due writter's block. But I promise to provide you more. Thanks for understanding.

On the next chapter will find out what Jace was talking about. And who these guys are so stay tuned 🤗...

Keep your votes and, leave comments and share!

See you in the next chapter!


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