Author's Note

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Hi everyone!

Thanks for choosing to read this book. I know that it is poorly written and the grammars are not that polished or the story plot is rather not that great. But trust me it will get better.

I started this book just to relieve myself from stress: work, and other stuff.

Writting is one of my outlet of letting go of my stress and it helps alot.

The story setting is an Action-Romance novel and not a supernatural novel. The songs you may find in each Chapter are related to it or have significance to the story going-on.

You may encounter foriegn songs because I have such diverse taste when it comes to music so I apologize if you are somewhat confused. But I'll make sure they have subtitles or translations; if I can find one.


This story is a work of fiction.

Names, places, events, happenings and/or opinions that you will read in this are all fictional. If encountered in real life, please be reminded that these are all just coincidence and does not represent in real life.

You may also encounter Chapters that are, too mature or triggering for your liking, so I advice to skip reading this book if you find it offending.

Again this book have mature contents such as: sex, violence, drugs that may not be suitable for ages under 18 years of age or people who are emotionally and mentally unprepared.

You have been reminded and warned. So read on your own risk.


This book is one of my firsts.

Yes, firsts, you read it right.

While I was writting this, I am also writting another fictional paranormal story, "Afterlife Witch", which is now published. And two other more that is currently being worked on, which will be soon published as soon as "My Rockstar Lover" is finished.

At the end of this book; which will soon be ending, I will be posting the other two books that I will be working on along side with "Afterlife Witch". So for now, enjoy yourselves and I hope you like the story the way that I do.

Don't forget to Like, Comment, Follow, Share and add me to you reading list.

Your views and ideas are well appreciated as well.

Never forget, this is just an amature writting. I never hinted that I'm an expert in writting so do not expect a polished and expertly written short novel.

Enjoy Reading!

Respectfully Yours,

Joy Mendoza Prudente


Leave only constructive criticisms; bashing or hating is not one.

Enjoy 😘

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