CHAPTER 6: Reminisce

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I have always wanted to see her. But I have to do this. I need to stay away atleast this once. I did not step off the jet with my boys. Had to stay inside of it. I can see her down there. She have changed alot.

That jet black curly hair she used to have back then is now straightened with a tinge of dark auburn hair dye, leaving the root-ends untouched by the hair color seems to make an effect of natural looking dark auburn hair. Wearing a black cinch long sleeved solid button down shirt, skin-tight jeans that perfectly molded her hips, and that black suede high heeled mid-calf boots, (probably 3 or 4 inches high), and that milky white skin of hers shines brightly under the intense bright sun making her glow perfectly, making her cheeks burned to light reddish color due to the tropical heat of the this country. And those bids of sweat dripping from her hairline just adds a bit sexiness on her facial features.

That face. I missed so much. Hunts me in my nightly dreams. Perfect oval face, sensual lips, perfect pointed tiny nose, cheekbones that are not too high and those perfect expressive lambent dark chocolate eyes that never fails to send me shivers whenever they look at me under those dark thick eyelashes. I love her eyebrows. Its natural wonderfully shaped eyebrows that doesn't need trimming or lining that gives her face a more sensual look, that highlights her face whenever she gives any facial expressions. I never liked women who wears fake eyebrows. Hers is just perfect. A perfect combination of asian, malay and spanish features all blend in her blood.

The perfect woman for me...

Yes. She's matured pefectly. The girlish feature have grown to a perfect womanhood giving more sex appeal.

My eyes caught her smile as she approached my boys. It's a simple smile of greeting. Damn! I missed her smiles. She wore different smiles back then. Now that she'd matured physically her smile had remained the same. Beautiful. Giving away the happiness of seeing my boys also reflected in her eyes with a tinge of curiosity. She must have already noticed that the band leader is missing in sight.

I'd love to go down there but I have to restrain myself for I may not contain how I feel. And that idea, too, may not be good. After what had happened before, I'm afraid what I will see in those beautiful eyes of hers. I don't want to see that. For now. It's not time yet. So I stayed here. Waiting for them to go inside and out of the airport's runway.

I leaned back to my sit, closed my eyes, trying to control my surging emotions upon seeing her again. These overwhelming emotions is killing me inside. Heart beating fast, so hard that it hearts. I wanted to cry. But I can't. I know that what I'm planning now will get her really, really pissed off and that she might run away from me, but I will not let her.

I'm going to claim her back. And I will take no for an answer. I will make sure of that, even if she hates me. I will not let her go.

The voice of the captain took me out of my reminiscing the past and present of her, calling my attention that we have to move out.

I opened my eyes and take another look outside from my sits window. Sadness crossed my heart. They were no longer there. SHE is no longer there.

I stand up, straightened my shoulder and my dress shirt. Called out my assistant to take my belongings straight to the hotel for I will be going somewhere else.

I have to run some errands first before going straight to the hotel. The hotel can wait, but not my family. I need to see them as the customary way of my Filipino blood in me.

I took my aviator shades off from my dress shirt's left chest pocket and wore it to shade my eyes from the intense brightness of the sun.

Our band is not yet reconized in this country so I expect only few fans will attend the concert.

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