CHAPTER 8: Surprised To See Me?

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That voice. That deep, husky voice that I've heard several times over the phone. That voice that sounded familiar yet different now suddenly clicked.

It can't be! It really can't be!

I slowly turned around. Heart still pounding loudly. I am having a hard time breathing. Afraid of what I might see.

As I fully see now the man in front of me, my eyes went wide. The realization of who the person standing 3 feet away before me.

No,no,no,no this can't be happening!

I see a man standing 6 feet and 2 inches tall. Slightly tanned muscular built underneath the skin tight white v-necked t-shirt. The bulge of his arms, chest and abs are visible underneath it. Neatly tucked in, in his skin tight faded jeans that perfectly hugged his sculped hips, thighs and legs. Wearing brown leather cowboy boots without the spikes at the back. Then my eyes landed back to his face.

Oh my god! No! No! No! It isn't him! It can't be...

Grinning dangerously in front of me. He looked... matured. Manly. No longer the charming boy next door. Dangerously sexy!

I can't breath!

I held my chest tightly trying to grasp for air to breath. I am heaving for air. I tried to back away. Shaking my head feverishly. But I have nowhere to go. He's dangerously close to me.

The nightly ocean breeze of the air had brought his scent under my nose. He smelled good. Musky scent tingling my nose. He smelled sexy. Looked sexy. I shooked my head mentally. I grabbed the railing of the terrace behind me to support myself from fainting.

This is a nightmare, I need to wake up!

He stepped closer to me. Almost inches away. I am staring up at him. His broad shoulders blocking me from anyones view. He leaned towards me until we're eye to eye level, both his hands went to reach the railings behind me and held it tightly. Enclosing me from possible escape. I can't escape.

I can feel his warm breath. I can smell mint and the musky scent of his after shave. I can feel electricity running through my nerves. His body heat is enveloping my shivering body. He's too close. I can not hear anything suddenly. My ears are to busy focusing on my heart beat that seems any moment from now will probably give me a heart attack.

I'm starting to feel my knees weaken. I can't stand any longer. It felt ages being infornt of this man. I can't hear anything. I can't feel anything. I feel numb. All I see is his face. His FACE! The same heart shaped face. The same slightly squared jaw that now grew a little stubble. That deep blue eyes staring intently into mine and his washed blonde hair cut neatly and gelled into a sexy bed hair. No longer the boy next door. He's now a dangerously sexy, bad boy, rock star image.

"I missed you..." he whispered. Sending shivers of thousands of bolts under my skin.

My eyes grew more wider, if that is even possible, by the sensation of his voice brought to me. His eyes staring straight to mine. Tracing my facial features as if to memorize them, then stopping only at my quivering lips. Then trailed back to my eyes.

I closed shut my eyes tightly. I can not take it any longer the closeness. The sensations are too unbearable. I bit my lips hard. I can still feel his breath on my face. Warm and tempting. Heat still emanating from his body.

Then, cold breeze of air finally sipped in. And then all I hear is a slam of the door from the hall.

I slowly opened eyes and he was gone. Slowly, I can hear my surrounding. The ocean breeze from the bay. My breath, though still hitching, is now starting to calm down as if I have been drowning under the deep waters trying to gasp for air. But my heart still won't stop from pounding.

I stared blanking at the living area where the man was previously standing.

I could not find any words to say. My mind and brain seems like they've escaped my skull all of a sudden.

I recalled what happened minutes ago. My body is now shaking.

"No..." as if all of sudden my voice finally came back. Hushed. "He's back. He's here. It can't be."

Then, the door of the hotel room openned. Loud noises starting to pour in the whole room. The sound of cheers and laughter. The boys are back now. I heard one of them says that Jace is back and now in his room.

Jace... That's not Jace! That can't be real...

"Hey, you okay?" I see Mark standing in the living area holding the remote control of the flat screen cable tv. Concern is evident in his eyes. "You looked like you've seen a ghost? You fine? You look pale?"

He stared at me and the floor I am standing. "I think you need to rest it's past midnight now...and be careful on the broken glass." his frowning now. I can sense that he knows something happened. He knows. But I know he's not gonna voice it out. The other boys are now behind him. My cameraman is not with them. They are all staring at me. I have to snap out of it, now.

I cleared my throat, then closed my eyes and took 3 deep breaths. And looked at them one by one.

Before I can say anything, we heard the door opened and closed from the hall way. They all looked to the sound where it came from. They all lightened up and Mark was the first to greet. "Jace man, what took you so long? You missed the party!"

I see him emerge again in the living area with the other boys. Then he turned his head to the terrace where I'm current at. Still standing where he left me. Staring me again with the same intensity as before.

My eyes widened. When he said. "Joyce, finally able to see you in person." Then he walked again towards me. Stopping a feet away from me then Mark cut him off.

"Man, where have you been huh? We've already finished filming our bios and she needed yours. It's late now, the lady needs to rest."

Jace turned his head to Mark that is now sitting on the couch flipping channels to watch with the other boys.

Jace just smirked his friend comment. And turned back to me.

This time he didn't do anything. We just stood there. After awhile he broke the silence.

"Surprised to see me?" In his seductive hushed tone.

"Jayson..." is all I can say.

And my world stopped there. And darkness followed.



I know it's quite short guys but I promise to make a long chapter next time... just wanna provide a cliff hanger once in a while... lol

Please vote and leave your comments and your ideas for this chapter. And oh please share this to your friends as well...

Till next time!

Joy 😁

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