CHAPTER 19: Akap (Embrace)

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Youtube MV: Akap (Embrace) by Imago
An Original Philippine Music



I woke up in the arms of Jace. I just can't believe that I gave up my virginity to him. I was too drunk to recall the things that I have done last night although, even though I want to regret the actions I did, I can't find it within me.

I feel happy though, content even knowing that I woke up beside the one man I love. But still, there are things that is still left unspoken. His disappearance, the secrets that I know that he is still hiding from me. The reason behind my kidnapping and the threats in our lives. I remember he said that he will tell everything. I'm not sure how much he is hiding from me. But the sadness and doubt is still carved in my heart.

I left his room after doing my morning sessions. As I prepared my breakfast, I suddenly remembered my sister. She dropped me off here but she is nowhere around.

After eating, I went to my room to check if she is there. I know Jace will not allow Caren to drive back to her house in her drunken state.

When I opened my door, I can see her figure sleeping on my bed. And when I walk closer, I see another figure shifts beside her.

My brows furrowed in confusion.

"Caren?" I called out. But no response. So I walk beside my bed. I nodge her shoulder to wake her up.

"Hey, Caren wake up, you have to eat breakfast so you can take the pill for hangover."

She fluttered her eyes and sit up from my bed, scratching her morning eyes with her hands. And the bed sheet cover fell off from her upper body.

"OH. MY. GOD! YOUR NAKED?!" I yelled. And another body emerged from under the sheet beside her.

"ASHE?!!" I called him out louder that what I intended to be due to my surprise. Almost screaming his name.

And that got both their attention. They both stared at me wide eyed then glared at each other.

"HOLY SHIT!" Ashe jumped off from my bed, but sadly he stumbled off the bed making him fall out to the ground instead.

While my little sister was still too shock to even react to the scene.

Well Ashe ran off from my room naked. I guess back to his room?

I stared Ashe's running naked figure out off my room and I switched my attention back to my naked sister in my bed.

"What the hell happened??" I muttered. Caren looked at me confused, which is written in her face. She is still in a daze. Probably digging the details of last night's happening?

Then Jace came in to my room.

"Why's Ashe running off from your room naked?" I can see Jace's mad expression. He looked at me and saw me standing beside my sister still in bed naked.

"Holy shit! Is that your sister in bed?"

I realized that Jace is staring my dazed sister's naked breasts. I covered her with the bed sheet and shouted at Jace.

"Get the fuck out of my room now!" Caren flinched at my loudness and Jace suddenly sped off from my room and shut the door behind him.

"You young lady have a lot of explaining to do later." I tell her.

She scowled at me. I bet she does not know what she have done. But I'm not mad nor angry at her. To be honest I find the situation kinda funny.

She's an adult. I don't care about her sex life as long as she doesn't get pregnant out of wedluck.

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