CHAPTER 18: Mine

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***WARNING 18+ ONLY***

The following scenes contains mature contents such as indecent languages and sexual acts; that is not suitable for very young readers ages below 18 years of age.

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Yours Truly,




It's 4:30 in the morning and the sun has to rise when I wake up. And I can't contain my happiness just by looking at her beside me. Sleeping soundlessly. She is so beautiful, no matter how fiesty she turns out to be, my feelings for her didn't disappear after all these years. I still love her. And I'm surprised that she is still pure. She was a virgin, and I'm her first knowing it after our love making last night.

I know she's drunk and I have no intention of taking advantage of her. But when I woke up last night with a raging hard on from her squirming body underneath me, I just couldn't help myself from grinding into her. I tried so hard to control myself, but my body just won't listen to me. The fire only added up when I heard her moan, the sexiest sound that I have ever heard in my entire life, but hers is so undeniably arousing, it just ignited the fire in me.


Just by thinking about last night it gave me a morning hard on. She's silently sleeping in my arms right now and it is still early in the morning. I don't have any scheduled rehearsals for today and my dick is killing me again.

I felt her breathing changed. She starting to wake. Her arms in my chest is so warm.

Shit! To hell with this...

And without a second thought I kissed her sweet mouth. I don't care if she wakes up, but I'm taking her again. She's mine now, and I'm gonna ruin her body so that only I can have her and no other man will ever be with her. I'm going to make her crave only me and no one else.

I felt her body tense underneath me.

Ahh... she's fully awake now...

I kissed her hard. Licked her bottom lip for entrance. She didn't kissed back so I bit her lower lip a little hard. A moan escaped her mouth that made her to slightly open it for me and I took the chance and slide my tongue in search for hers in more possesive manner.

My hands have a mind of thier own. I let them travel down her entire body until I find her two big round soft breats. Heaven under my palms. I savored it, massaged her heavenly mounds and squizzing, twisting and pinching her now errected nipples.

While grinding my hard-on to her now wet pussy, I left her soft mouth and travelled down to her jawline to her ear.

"I know your awake now baby..." grinding her wet folds again. Her chest is heaving and she whimpered underneath me. I can feel her body heat rises and that only made me more hard and more turned on. "You like that huh?" I bit her earlobe. A loud moan escaped her mouth. "I wanna fuck you so hard so that no man can satisfy you except for me, Joyce-" I grind more, teasing her now very sensitive clit harder and faster.

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