CHAPTER 13: Unhidden

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I ran to Mike "Mike they found me. Joyce's missing for 2 hours now. I think they have taken her!" Mike's eye grew wide. "Shit! How did they figured out?"

I traces my fingers to my head. I don't know what to do. "Fuck man, I don't know! I told Joyce to stay put but still ended up taken! We need to tell Osbourne." If these guys know about Joyce then they definitely know now who I am. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

I pulled up the phone in my pocket and called a number under my speed dial list.



Things got off-handed and I need to find Joyce as soon as possible. Every minute is a risk that I can not handle, now that they know where I am, who I am, that only means that part of the cover have been blown-up. I have to make sure she is safe. The bastard have taken the first step! I thought I have covered everything but they have seen through it all. I have underestimated them. Now, I have to revise the strategy with the boys. But first, I need to find Joyce.

I have to calm down. Two hours and a half have passed and Joyce's still not answering her phone. Mike have decided to take us back to the hotel.

She doesn't know any of these. And I have no intention of telling it to her.

Shit! What should I do?!

I called Osbourne, told him about the situation. Then we headed back to the hotel.

After opening the door to our suite, there was a letter left on door step of the foyer. Mike picked it up and looked up at me. The letter was addressed to me. I signaled Mike to read it but I already have that feeling that it's about her and me.

It says:

Found you.

This is your warning.

I'll be watching.

Mike stared at me for my reaction. But I remained emotionless as possible. I can see the worry on his face. Only Mike and me knows about the other side of what I am doing. And I trust Mike to keep it secret as long as possible. Then we heard shuffling coming from one of the rooms.

We snapped all of ours heads to where the sound's coming from. In a silent gesture I signaled everyone to remain quiet. The possibility whoever left the message might still be in our rooms and we need to be on high alert.

The boys and I went to the rooms spliting in to three groups. Mike and I to Joyce's room, Ashe and Lo on thier room while Joyce's cameraman Andrew on mine. I signaled to open the doors at the same time on the count of three. And so we did.

As soon as I kicked the door open. A wimpering is immediately heard across her room. Mike turned on the lights so that we can see better. And then we found her there. Lying across the room's floor. Blindfolded, shaking, crying and tied-up. I hurried across the room to untie her.

I shouted "We found her come here!"

The boys scurried inside her room.

"Call security now!" Mike ordered Andrew.

I took Joyce's into my arms and hugged her. Comforted her. I didn't realize that I was shaking, too. Scared that I might've lost her and never see her again. I held her tighter. Hushed her to calm her down. She held on to me. I placed my face in between her left shoulder and neck. Whispered comforting words to calm her down, that I got her, that she's safe and nothing to be scared now, rocked her in my lap to calm her down. It felt like forever that we stayed like this in our position. I don't care who's inside the room with us. I just wanna hold her tight to my chest. I don't wanna let her go. She my life line. I've led her in this, put her in danger, so I have to think of a strategy to keep my plans safe for all of us. I know after this she will be furious. She will have alot of questions that I don't want to answer. I have to keep her in the dark. The lesser she know the safer she will be. But I have to have to think of a better explanation to mislead her from the situation.

I know what the bastard wants, and I don't know what they told Joyce's about but I have to find out. I'm scared for her life but I'm more furious, but I have to calm down to think straight. She's strong, but not that strong enough. She'll need me to protect her no matter how stubborn she is I will not take no for an answer in this dire situation. I've trained hard for this situation.

I heard hurried footsteps coming inside the room. They took Joyce from my arms and lead us to the living area to interrogate us.

I tried as possible to provide them the details. Kidnapping of Joyce, the anonymous letter and finding in her own room. After me they interrogated Joyce. It appears all this time she's inside her room. They did not transport her anywhere. It only added to my fury that they know our location. They even know where are. It angered me so much but I have keep my composure and calmness. The hotel is not safe for us anymore. Good thing I have a safer place to go as back-up incase something like this to happen. After the securities interrogation. The Hotels manager came in afterwards. Rushing in to apologize about what had happen. But nothing registered to my head. I'm more worried about Joyce's safety that my boys. She's not part of this. Her job is to cover the concert. And be mine again.

"We're checking out. Pack your bags. We're relocating." I bursted out. Shocking everyone around me specially the hotel manager. I can see fear in his eyes that are staring at me. I don't what he sees in my face but it appears he's scared on what he sees in my facial reaction.

I can see his adam's apple bobbed up and down several times before he responded yes and hurried outside.

I turned to Joyce to check on her. Sat beside her. She staring at her open palm checking her wrist grazed by the rope. Her bare arms are full of carpet rash and her pale rosy cheek as well. Her eyes are bloodshot red from crying and for being blindfolded. She's still trembling but a bit calmer that earlier. I slid my right hand on her back to comfort her and said to her...

"We're moving out and you two are going with us. The hotel is not safe anymore. I'll inform your people about the changes. Just focus on the job at hand. Don't worry about the situation, I got it under control."

She stared at my eyes. Blank eyes. Something's not right. It scared me inside as if this is not the Joyce I knew. I've never seen her this way before. Something in between the years we've been separated from another, somehow it changed her. She's always warm, full of smile, fiesty yes but never like this. Cold blank eyes, blank facial expression. But she still nodded and agreed. I pushed the thought behind my head, I'll worry about the later. I have to keep her safe first.

"Pack your belongings. We're moving out now." I followed after a recovering from her reaction. And she did as she was told.

After an hour or so, we already out in the road. On the way to the safe house. We didn't use the band's rented bus. We used our rented cars. I have Joyce's in my passenger seat, her Andrew the camera man in the back seat. The boys are on the other car rental behind us following my lead.

We're driving uphill outside Manila. The first concert is a success as per Dom, our band manager, so there's nothing to worry about. He'll take care about the hotel, too. Making sure nothing go public and prevent leakage of what happened tonight. Osbourne will provide additional security teams for us including Joyce's. She needs protection now that bastard had identified her, too. I was too careless dragging her into this, but I have to. It is revenge. But I have to protect at the same time I have to keep het blind in this situation. She have to focus on her job.

My jaw clenched just thinking about what happened tonight. I cannot make mistakes now that it comes to this point.

She haven't spoken the entire time we're on the road. It's a four hour drive to the uphill. I kept checking on her on my peripheral vision, making sure she's alright. But she just kept her eyes on the road. Blank expression just like earlier. I'm started to get worried. I don't know what's going on her head. I have to talk to her soon once we're there. And I have to prepare my self, coz' this Joyce, is somehow different.


There you go guys the Chapter 13, hope you liked it! I know, this a bit out of the way but I promise you'll like the twists and turns of this story. What's with Joyce's sudden change and Jace's secret.

It appears that Jace doesn't have just one secret. We're going to uncover those through the next chapters so stay tuned.

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Thanks and see you all to the next chapter!


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