Chapter 31: Extraction

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Youtube MV: Ruiner by Nine Inch Nails



We left the van in organized military pace. Positioned at every angle that can detect all movements both in and out. My snipers are positioned strategically in the highest point of each building that surrounds Sanchez's hotel. One go signal and he will be dead on my command. However, we will not move until the authorities arrives.

But m fifteen minutes have already passed and they are not still here.

"Jess, back-up status report." I radioed.

Jess huffed "Five minutes and they will be here. Is this normal in this country? They're super slow dude?"

I can't blame his reasoning. Traffic jam is eminent in this country.

Minutes later Jeff radioed that the InterPol along with the NBI arrived as well as Osbourne and his FBI team.

Osbourne came to me with his men dressed as SWAT uniforms together with NBI's SWAT team captain.

I lead them all to a secluded area where no one will over hear or see us.

"Positive, Sanchez is inside that building and possible drugs are being stored underground area. I have men that surveyed the place for the past twenty-four hours and Sanchez hasn't left the building yet." I reported. "My girlfriend is also inside. So we need to be very careful in extraction. We don't want any disturbances or attract any attention," I paused and looked at the NBI's team captain.

"Capt. Domingo, your team is known to be in reckless shooting aimlessly," I stared back to his team. They look unruly to me. They lack discipline from intense training. I look around and see the FBI SWAT team and the InterPol agents standing like they are ready to fire anytime, while Domingo's team looked slackened.

I turned back to Domingo, "I didn't become what I am today if I am reckless. My orders will not be denied because many lives depends on us. My girlfriend included. So stick to the plan.

I turn to my side, nod to my man and he handed me a bag.

"These are comm units and specialized military smart goggles with built-in night vision cameras. Wear this and don't die." That's all I say and left them. I didn't let Domingo speak a word. This is my plan and I will not let this go to waste. Not under my supervision.

I radioed everyone to position. Footmen awating my orders, while snipers still holding their position.


"System block-out in..."

I drowned-out Jess' countdown and tightening my grip on my AK47 gun until it went down to one and ordered them to move.

Tactics and precision is a must in this if we all want to end up alive and kicking.

The FBI's went to the hotel entrance and scattered themselves in the lounge area with the InterPol agents. While my men and I went to the underground car park undetected. Thanks to Jess and his techy mind.

The NBI's were left outside the building to block the roads discreetly to avoid public alarm and disturbance.

"Status report." I radioed in hushed tone.

"All in position." They all confirmed.


"Sanchez is unseen but still within the premise," Jess reported. "There are men moving in your position boss. They are coming out in three minutes on your right. There is a door from another underground passage. I'll send you all the scanned area. Blue dots friendlies, red dots hostiles."

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