CHAPTER 24: Secrets

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Bored. Worried.

I have no idea where Jace is and I'm dead bored and worried. It has been more than 24 hours since he left us here in the hospital.

I have always hated hospitals. Always gives me the creeps; not because of the sanitizing smell of chlorene or it's medicinal scents but the deaths that surrounds it. You may think I'm crazy but hospital deaths do gives me heeby-jeebies.

So is Jace.

I know and I can feel that Jace is up to something and I don't think he want me to know.

My sister just left me in my hospital bed to get something to eat because, honestly, who likes hospital foods? I sure don't.

So here I am, staring at the boring white cieling of my hospital room, bored to death.

I took a deep breath hoping something in my mind to clear it from something. Maybe count the dusts in the ceiling, if that is even possible?

Andrew is currently MIA after the explosion. He's missing from here and there and I have no idea where he is right now. He should have been doing his job right now by documenting everything but he's nowhere to be found.

Media have been swirling around the hospital along with the others who were at the concert that night. My boss and other co-workers will be here later to visit and get news, and hopefully a replacement for Andrew. I don't like that he's frequently missing without notice. He maybe good in what he's do but being MIA from time to time is a no-no in this job. Heck, I even got kidnapped and injured because of this!

But I don't blame my job. It's part of what I signed up for. Even more if I choose to be n investigative reporter, my entire life will be in constant danger all of the time. But I chose the entertainment industry as my chosen field to report.

Time ticks by and I'm about to doze to sleep when the clicking sound of the door surrounds the quietness of the room and jolts my body awake.

I opened my eyes slowly and turn to see who the intruder is, but no one is inside the room. Probably my imagination?

I took a deep breath out of frustration. My sister hasn't come back yet and my stomach starts to churn from hunger.

I frowned because I am now totally hungry and I could eat the entire buffet, or so.

I closed my eyes again and tried to put myself back to sleep.

I must have slept atleast half an hour? Because I see a box of take-out food from Jolibee. Just by the smell of my favorite Burger Steak I soon heard my tummy grumble for hunger.

I looked around to find that my sister was nowhere to be found. But who cares? My stomach doesn't... so I grab the paper bag and took out the take-out box of my food and helped myself to eat.

After fifteen minutes of scrumptious feast the door opened and Jace came in to view in a serious face.

My eyebrows raised involuntarily out of habit. Honestly, my brows have life of thier own.

It looks like he have bad news for me. I can sense it and somehow I already know it before he even says it.

Jace strutted to my bed and sat beside me.
He saw the empty box of food and I saw his lips twitched slightly and I rolled my eyes and said, "I was hungry so I ate your portion."

He looked at me amusingly but only for glimpse and went serious again.

Expect the unexpected.

"Andrew is a spy for the Cartel." Jace said without preamble.

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