CHAPTER 3: The New Project

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I'm pissed and irritated. It's been an hour now and still stuck in the traffic jam. I'm running late from work. Stuck inside a cab and thinking how my boss will going to yell at for being late for work, again makes me think to get a car. And dreaded for not getting one. It's been a year since I started working in one of the tv stations here in the Philippines. And earning basic salary, one which is not enough to buy one. Cars are very expensive here. You need at least half a million to get one.

I released a heavy sigh for that matter.

It's been, what two years since I left America. Finished my college course and went back to my home country. I want to heal and focus on my life.

I went home broken. And I want to forget.

Jenny was sad because I had to leave. She didn't say much because she knew that my decision will not be change.

I sighed again at the thought of it. Shook my head and never think about it anymore. Have to focus myself to work. It's been two years and moving. Living my life the way it should be.

Thankful that I now work as an entertainment field researcher in one of the television companies. I have a new assignment that needs to be covered. So I don't want to blow this up. I need to get a promotion and be an entertainment field reporter. And prove my worth in the company. But running late like this almost every goddamn day is not going to take me anywhere near being a field reporter.

I have to step up!

I ask the taxi driver to find the fastest route to the tv station and avoid the heavy traffic. The driver nodded his head and made a sharp turn.

Finally I have arrived and still running late. I've finally arrive in my cubicle to gather up all of my documents to finalize my reports and submit it to my supervisor when my co-worker Nina dropped by at my desk.

"Boss Eric wants to have a word with you. Now." She said.

Oh shit!

My heart is pounding like hell! It's got to be my tardiness. God he was always strict when it come to attendance for work. And I chimed in late again today.

Got to prepare myself again... I sighed heavily.

Praying that he won't fire me. I stopped in front of heavy wooden plated door. Knocked softly to announce my arrival. I heard a faint voice ordering me to come in. I entered and closed the door behind me.

I walked to his desk. His head is down surveying the documents in front of him before signing them. After his done, he pulled the built-in drawer underneath his desk and took out a manila folder from it. He slapped it down in front of me and ordered me to sit down.

I sat on the leather bound wooden chair on the left of his table and eyed the folder in front of me. Sweat started to develop on my palms. Nervous what is inside of the folder. Hoping not to be an NTE (Notice to Explain).

"that folder" he started, cutting my attention to the folder and lifted my eyes back to my supervisor.

"That folder contains your new assignment."

Oh thank God! I sighed inwardly. Then he continued.

"It is about a new internarional rock band arriving in our country to form a once in a month concert for three consecutive months. And you are assigned to cover about this new band. Which will require you to interact and interview them, up close and personal."

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