CHAPTER 21: Burn it to the Ground

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It has been 3 weeks since I revealed my past to Joyce, the reason why I was not able to contact her. I have been through alot. It pains me to see her how guilt stricken she was. It takes alot of convincing to tell her that it was not her fault, it can not be helped in any way. She moved back to Philippines during those time and there's no helping that. I didn't blame her then and don't blame her now, never did; it's not her fault in the first place.

But there is still I can not confess to her yet. Her kidnaping, is one thing I can not confess yet. My plan has yet to set and I need to keep her in the dark for now. The less she knows, the better. All I need to do now is keep her safe at all times.

Now that I have her love back, we can start over again and be happy.

I couldn't help but smile at the thought the I have Joyce in my life again. I know that she's meant for me. I've known it from the first time I laid my eyes on her back in college.

"What's that stupid grin doin' on yo face?" Mike cuts my train of thought. I stepped out of the treadmill, after I was done with the run. Took the towel and hook it on my neck.

"Nothin' man, I was just thinkin' about Joyce. I'm just happy that we're back together again." I tell him while wiping the sweats away from my face.

I take a short walk to the fridge to get a bottle of gatorade.

"Glad to hear that, man. But you still need to focus. We still have problems to fix. This concert and them." He said in his stern voice.

"I know man. And tomorrow is the second concert and we have to be extra careful. I have called the agency for additional security for tomorrow. But let's not be lenient." I felt a coldness on my bones as I say those words under gritted teeth.

I don't want the kidnaping to happen again, or worse getting anyone killed. That man does not know my whereabouts yet, that I know. I have my eyes and ears around them and they will not get close near me or anyone close to me. Last time, I was caught off-gaurd but not this time. And I will make sure that I will get my revenge this time. Connections? I got it all.

"Call the others we'll start with the rehearsal in an hour after breakfast. Joyce cooked for us. It's a filipino breakfast dish. You'll love it." I change topic as I walk out the gym.

Mike didn't react, he knows everything is already planned out. So we walked out of the gym in silent strides to the dinning room where we find that the breakfast is already laid out in the dinning table and others came flowing in to the room.


Concert day. Me and my boys have already finished the final touches for the songs. People are startinting to fill-in the open field as we step out of the rehearsal stage. My eyes are scanning the people around me expecting to find the only face I want to see. She is not with us during the last rehearsal so I got a bit worried.

Finally I see her rushing in with snack on both of her hands. I felt my lungs breath again. A small left in my lips as soon as she saw me looking at her. I relaxed a little knowing she's safe.

"Hey!" She said as soon as she infront me, a feet away.

"I brought you guys food before thw concert starts..." she paused, "don't worry these are just light snacks so you'll not puke while singing" then she giggled.

Music to ears I thought. It's been a while since the last I hear her laugh or giggled. It's refreshing.

She handed me the soda and a protein bar, she knew we haven't eaten anything uet because of the preparations. Then she distributed the rest to the boys.

"You knew the drill babe?" I asked her.

She looks at me and bit her lower lip. I know what's she's thinking. Then nod once knowing what she need to do.

I walk closer to her and slip an arm on waist as I muttered, "I have increased the security around us so don't have to worry. I have my men scattered around the area incase that something might happened. Just stay close to the stage where I can see you, okay?"

"Okay" she answered softly with a nod.

"Boys be ready in five!" The stage manager called.

"We'll go now, stay close. I have a revised made for us. Watch me and I'll rock your world." I said with a smirk on my face knowing the my dimples will show on my cheeks which I know she loves. I caught her eye looking at them.

I gave her a peck on the lips making her gasp by my sudden action and slap her sexy butt that annoys her. And walked away as fast as I can then I heard her yell at my back,

"Hey!" I didn't look back. I can feel that she was smilling at my little antic, I just gave a one wave back without turning around.

The boys and I set up our selves in our position waiting for the que to start, then we heard the shouts and cheers of the people in the crowd.

Today, the world will know who Jace is. No more silhuettes, no more shadows, no more blurry face. This now stage 2 of my plan. Luring my enemies in my grasp.

Pyrotechniques started firing up and Mike started the beat. Below the stage, where we are situated, above us is the stage and the plat from where Mike is started to lift.

I can hear the crow go wild. I can't but smile hearing those sounds. I can never get use to this. My dreams are now at hand. My girl, now with me, and my revenge in motion all rolled into one.

"Let's gets working boys" I tell them as one by one the platform goes up, me being the last.

The crow will go wild even more because they will now Jace's real face.

I started now with one of the our own rendition of Nickelbacks song "Burn it to the Ground" and there goes the blarring sounds of our instruments and I sang the lyrics.

Yeah, we are burning the ground tonight alright, not just on stage but the people who also watching me rise from the dead.


Hey guys!

My apologies for the late updates, I have been trying so hard to keep up with my character I got lost, hope you'll forgive me? 😌😌😌

But this chapter will be the start of Jace's revenge now that the first stage of his comeback is cleared he'll now let lose deepest darkest secret he have to the entire world through his music.

Let's find out who these people are.

And also I needed your help, I've been thinking, which actor or rocktar artist would you like to portray as Jace, Mike, Ashe and Lo?

Send in your votes, comment, share and follow.

See you guys in the next chapter!



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