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YOUTUBE MV: Never Gonna Be Alone by Nickelback


Two weeks.

Two weeks had passed and it is still eating me alive. Joyce had been shot and now I don't know what to do or how to live that Sanchez had made another irrevocable damage. Sanchez shot Joyce from behind, the bullet went out through her abdominal that caused her internal bleeding and lost too much blood.

I lost my shit when I saw Joyce dropped on the pavement. I was ready to shoot but Lucas, my sniper, got to him first before I did. Lucas got him good, too. Shot him in the hand where he held his gun. But knowing Lucas, being Otis' look-out guy slash sniper- shot Sanchez not just one of but both of his hands, so he could no longer use them for a very long time. Oh, he can still use his hand, that's for sure, but not for the meantime-while he's serving his lifetime imprisonment with the InterPol.

FBI and NBI, can't hold him in because he is an international criminal and drug lord, so they will only hold him for a very short period time, probably to gather info for the drugs- that part they really needed after finding out that he have already distributed it to his dealers right before the concert day.

The one's we saw coming out of the parking lot earlier are the lasts of the shipment to be delivered to one of the local drug dealers and distributors in the country. They already got the NBI a move on to that. While the FBI just gathered the needed evidence as well as the other men of Sanchez that are legit American Citizens that the InterPol don't need to detain. These guys needs to be transported back to US for trial. They also got the rest of the lab cleaned. The NBI's drugs or Narcotics Division had a fight for it because the drugs were created here as well as formulated by the Filipino Chemists, but InterPol and FBI have to confiscate it though, because it is evidence against Sanchez and since Philippines does not have say on that, they have to shut it for good or rather they needed to coordinate with them to stregthen the case. Philippine authorities does not have jurisdiction to an international criminal or a claim to the evidences gathered. They can put a case on it to the ICC or International Criminal Court against Sanchez but they can't put him on trial here in the Philippines because he is not a Filipino and in came here in illegal means and InterPol will already have a warrant to transport a very dangerous criminal out of the country as soon as possible along with the evidences.

This guy really did it all in one go.

But still the damage had been done. He still shot Joyce. I unconsciously swipe my hands on my face. A frustrated gesture that I somehow developed during after the events and is now a habit I unconsciously developed.

My concert have been moved to a later date, to let the controversies about the incident to pass while the case is still under investigation. My agent told me earlier this evening that me and my boys will resume after a month once the NBI tracked down all the drug dealers who bought the drugs from Sanchez, but the concert venue must be relocated. Manila is the main city and we have to a find a new one and secure it as soon as possible a month prior the concert date. Tickets have already been sold out and security will be more vigilant against individuals who are going to sell drugs on concert grounds. I'm putting my own security team to do that since I have them all here in the Philippines already, save the remaining one's who stayed back in the US to look out the gang's business and the MC's stronghold, so I have nothing to worry about after all. After all, Otis's daughter can handle the MC dealings all by hereself. Terrence already got back to US after the ImterPol got Sanchez to manage the gang back there.

I felt hand slowly envelope me from behind into a firm hug. "A penny for your thought?" She whispered in my ear.

I stared out at the lushious greenery of Tagaytay Highlands, overseeing the beauty of Taal Volcano. I brushed my hand to the soft skin of her arms, savoring the warmth and serenity it gave me as I slowly turn my entire body infront of her and hug her back. "Nothing. I just..." it hard to swallow the lump forming in my throat as I, again, recalled her misfortune. "I just-fuck! I don't what to do when you got shot! I thought I'm going to lose you..." I said as I buried my nose in long luscious hair. Her scent engulfing me-calming me. "I always fail to save you- to take care of you... and I don't want that. Fuck I never want that!" Then the dam broke, sobbing on her head is not manly at all. The hell being manly! Seeing her dying right infront of me kills me over and over again a hundred times over and I never want to experience that again because I've been there before-experienced it first-handedly.

"Hey..." she hushed. Placing her hands in my face to guide me to look at her in the eye and said, "Tapos na 'yun... nakaraan na, huh? Wala na si Sanchez, hawak na siya mg InterPol, hinahanap ng mga NBI ang mga kasabwat niya kaya wala ka na dapat ipag-alala pa, okay?" And gave me a chaste kiss on the lips, placing her forehead in mine. "Every thing is fine now, so don't worry anymore than you did, alright? It's all in the past now, Jace." Looking me in the eyes once more as she brushes her thumbs on my cheek bones. "Now let's go and eat, I'm hungry." She said and gave the most beautiful smile that nothing in this world can compare of as I return my own best eating grin that she finds oh so sexy, that I know she can't resist as I guide her to the picnic table where the rest of the guys are along with our family.

She's right. Everything is in the past now. She is safe and so am I, so is my family and my dad's death have been avenged at full last. She is here with me now and that's all I needed.



At long last, I have successfully finished the book and I'm so damn proud of what Ilve accomplished. I hope you all liked it.

Give me your thoughts about this book. I'll appreciate it.

I'll be moving on my other books that I'm still working on and check them out too as well:

After Life Witch
Photoshoot Series Book 1: Ambiance

See you next time guyz! 😚😚



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