CHAPTER 14: What Was That All About?

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She haven't spoken the entire time we're on the road. It's a four hour drive to the uphill. I kept checking on her on my peripheral vision, making sure she's alright. But she just kept her eyes on the road. Blank expression just like earlier. I'm started to get worried. I don't know what's going on her head. I have to talk to her soon once we're there. And I have to prepare my self, coz' this Joyce, is somehow different.



We arrived at the uphill mansion, I checked on her behind me making sure she's following behind. She's still not saying anything, still quiet and all. I don't if it is because of the shock. I didn't get her to the hospital to make sure she's okay. Hospitals around here are not discreet enough for me. Plus I'm too well known to the public eye.

I need to get this fixed up as soon as possible.

Alot have happened this evening and it's gonna be morning soon.

I led her silently to one of the guest rooms in the second floor, still quiet. I know she's strong enough to get a hokd of herself. I've known her that way since our college days, but I don't know about now. But I gotta trust my instincta for it.

I went straight to my own room leaving the boys behind on thier own. I've already text their designated guest rooms earlier. I'm already exhausted and I need my rest. This has been a rough night of all nights I've had in the past.

After a few minutes in the shower I headed straight for the bed and plunged to my dreamless sleep.


I woke up early always been an earlier riser since I was a kid. I don't need an alarm for that. My body clock never fails to wake me up at exactly 6 in the morning. I headed for the gym room down the basement. After 3 hours of sweating, I went straight to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for us. But looks like someone already beat to that part. From the hall way I can already smell my favorite Filipino breakfast meal. The smell of protien and carbs. As I walked in I saw Joyce cooking garlic fried rice in a wok. And in the counter top their are sunny side-up eggs, deep fried hotdogs, and stir-fried mixed veggies. Looks like there's nothing for me to worry from last if she can still like this at all. That means she's in a good mood. Too much for a good mood actually. It doesn't feel right somehow. Unlike the past past couple of weeks, I can read through all of her actions and facial expressions, but now she seems unreadable to me.

I took my place on the counter top. Waited for couple of minutes just trying to sum her up. Then ask her. "Are the boys awake already? I haven't seen them around, have you?" Then I picked up a piece of mixed veggies from the bowl in front of me.

Hmmm.... smells good....

"Nope, haven't seen them around yet. But Andrew is already awake. He's outside, jogging, God knows where." She said while stirring the the garlic fried rice. I'm eyeing it literally. My mouth is already watering due to hunger. It also smells really really good. The sweet garlic flavor, the seasoning she used for it surrounding the entire kitchen mixed with smell of hotdogs, and mixed veggies, sorry but the eggs doesn't smell anything except the oil it was fried to, was all inticing to my taste buds and nostrils that make my stomach grumbles in hunger.

God I'm hungry and how I missed home-cooked meals so much...

I heard a click from the stove which means she's done cooking. I hear her checking out something from the cupboards and closing it. Then she placed a silver steel plate in the middle of the counter top and place the wok of fried rice on top of the silver steel plate and removed the detachable handle of the wok. Then placed six plates around the rectangular counter tops with spoon and forks.

I fished my phone out from the right pocket of sweat pants and dialled Mike's number. After three rings, Mike answered. "Breaksfast is ready get your asses down here." Then I hung up.

Minutes later, all of us are already eating. Quietly. Joyce hasn't said anything about last night's incident yet. And I really need to break it soon. Frustration is starting to get into me.

After after breakfast I told the boys to go to the rehearsal studio at the back of the mansion taking Andrew with then to document everything.

I waited Joyce to finish cleaning the dishes so I could talk to her about last night. The experience can be traumatic and she need to talk it out of her. I know she's not physically hurt or anything but it can psychologically damage her. And I'm responsible for it. She was taken because of me. Because of my hidden past. My dark past.

I unconsciously clenched jaw just by thinking about it. I will not let her get hurt again. Not this time.

Once she's done with dishes, I called out to her to come along with to the library so we can talk in private.

Once we're inside, I led hed to sit in the two seater couch and sat infront to her only separated by a small rectangular coffee table.

I leaned in forward resting my elbows on my knees intently staring at her for a few seconds. While she on the other hand, sitting prim and proper infront of me staring blankly at me, without any visible emotion in her beautiful face.

My brows furrowed causing my forhead to crease then I demanded. "Tell me what's in your head." I saw a micro movement on her left brow twitching so slightly for a second there.

Ahhh... so her mind is still working fine, I guess... hopefully in a good positive way...

Still no response. I released a deep slow heavy sigh and bowed my head between my folded arms and engulf my face in the palm of my hands. I changed interrogational tactics.

God I'm really not good in psychological interrogations...

I lifted my head once again and looked at her in pleading and concerned eyes.

"Joyce..." pausing for a second "I'm worried about you, you haven't talked since last night except to answer my question about breakfast. I need to know if you're emotionally and mentally okay, so please talk to me..." I pleaded.

I waited... and waited... and waited. But just stared at me. Just stared, blinking once in a while.

Jesus this is scaring me...

I tried to approach her, standing up from my sit and then I got a sudden reaction, freezing me from my half stance for standing up.

"Stay where you are!!" She bursted out.

I looked at her. Surprised at her sudden burst. Her pale white face is now pinkish red with askanced look all over her beautiful facial features. Lips, pressed tightly. Chest heaving fast from harsh breathing indicating that she is somehow either angry or about to burst out and cry in any given moment now.

Worriedly, I held out my hands infront of me signalling her to calm down and I slowly went back to sit again on the couch.

She eyed my every movement. I waited for her to calm down. But looks like that's not going to happen. Her face is still red so is her eyes, glossy but not on the verge of tear.


"Okay, okay... calm down... tell me what happened and I'll listen. Just calm down, please?" I pleaded again.

This looks scary, but sexy.... in a way.

But what surpised me more is that she's not done on her first outburst.

What the hell is that all about??



Dreamcatcher - "What"


Hey guys here is Chapter 14 for you.
Let's find out what this is all about. Joyce sudden silence and sudden outburst on the next chapter.

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