Chapter 26: Fall to Pieces

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Youtube MV: Fall to Pieces By Avril Lavigne



I could not sleep. It has been eight hours since Jace left the house and has not come back yet. He said he have work that needs to be done. And by work, it means his other work. I'm immensely worried because I know that what he does is dangerous.

I can't believe that Andrew is a part of a drug syndicate from Mexico.

I heard the rumbling sound of a motorcycle outside and I rushed to my window to see Jace.

I ran out of my room to wait for him at the living room.

Right on time, he just stepped inside and he was wearing a black leather jacket, white v-necked t-shirt and washed-out jeans and leather brown biker boots.

I approached him.

"Why are you still awake? You should be in the bed, sleeping." He said as soon as we're a feet away from each other. I see his eyes roaming my body that sends me shivers down to my spines in a sensual way. I forgot that I'm only wear my silk lacy nightie with no bra underneath. I didn't look down because I know my nipples are poking from the thin fabric. It took alot not to squirm underneath his gaze.

"I couldn't sleep. I'm worried..." I whispered. And suddenly the floor seems very interesting than his face. I couldn't look him in the eyes; he might see that my worries are for him and him alone.

I feel his hands on both sides of my shoulder, "I know you're worried and everything. I can assure you that you'll be safe; we'll all be safe. We're almost there in finding the man who killed my dad, the man who killed me. Tomorrow, we'll have his location," he paused and embraced me tight to his broad and hard chest and kissed my forehead as he continued, "I'll keep you safe. I promise you that. I won't leave this time. You have my word for it."

Reluctantly, I released myself from his embrace and looked him in the eye warily. "Just promise me that you'll be safe, alway..."

"I promise." He pressed his warm lips to mine that lasted for couple of seconds. And he led me to our room to sleep the night off.

Two hours later and sleep has not visited me yet and I listened to Jace's shallow breathing letting me know that he's deep in sleep. I remove myself from under his arms and walk down to his studio.

I need to keep my mind off the worries about this chaos going on. I should only be worrying about the concert. But this is too much to handle and my heart couldn't take it anymore. I feel like my heart if going to explode.

I can't write right now, so my only option is to sing it off. The studio is sound proof and it won't disturb anyone sleeping.

I found a guitar lying on the guitar stand. Picked it up and walk straight to the recording booth to record it. I have always loved to hear my self sing.

I sat on a chair infront of the mic, I started strumming the chords of Avril Lavigne's Fall to Pieces.

Insert lyrics here...

The songs fits very well on how I feel about me and Jace from the very first day we met. The separation and how it hurt me through the years. All those years, wondering why he left me for no reason. If he ever loved me. Only to return in a guise of a mysterious rock star specifically requesting me to personally cover his concert for the entire three months. And this unexpected turn of events. Him, telling the truth behind his disappearance, the attempted killing of his entire family, the death of his father and his career path and his secret identity.

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