CHAPTER 11: The Plot

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The whole day that Jayson and I spend was other than none enjoyable to me. I definitely didn't want to talk to him. He tried several times to make a conversation but evidently failed. You could say I gave him a silent treatment. I have not forgotten what he did before. And now he is acting like it never happened. Was he even pretending that it never happened? He never even apologized for it!

We returned to the suite after the sun had set without even bothering of talking to him.

I left him in the living room area. I went straight to my room change to my pajamas, an oversized t-shirt and undies, I never bothered wearing bra during sleep, I find it suffocating and lay in bed and shut my eyes closed. And seconds later I'm asleep.

Take it to the tiring long walk at the bay all day long.


Couple of days had past and got the bio that I needed from Jace. But something tells me that he have been hiding something. I get the fact that his stepdad died during our college years but something's not right in his story. He's skipping some details but I didn't push it. But I'm gonna find that out sooner or later.

That made him more mysterious that before.

The band is now preparing for the upcoming concert and they have been busy doing rehearsals everyday. While they are out, I have also been busy editing the footages of the band members. And tomorrow will be their first concert for this month. And I'll be going with them with Aaron. We're all busy packing and getting ready for the concert. I'll be riding with them on a tour bus rented by his band.

On the way to the venue, I did a non-stop interview with band members. Thier opinions, views and experienecs about our country and everything under the sun.

I can tell that they are all excited except for one person. Jayson have not been talking lately. He's been awfully quiet for the past week. I can tell he's not focused. Somethings bothering him.

Mark noticed that I'm staring at Jayson.

"Don't worry about him." He said. "He'll be alright. Wait 'till you see him onstage tonight." Then he smiled.

I smiled back to him. I know and I feel worried about Jayson. And I have seen him on his concerts in youtube. And this is going to be my live concert with the band.

And by this thought, it gives me the excitement what the concert's outcome will be.

The crowd are starting to set in when we arrived. Even the tickets are all sold out. The staff are rushing in and out. It's like total chaos but it's not.

We've started setting up and so is the band, when someone grabbed me by the shoulder that made jumped. I turned around to see who it was and it was Jayson.

I can tell something is wrong. It seems like he is agitated or something.

"I need to talk to you alone." He said.

I faced Jayson with a confused face. It's been days since the last time I talked to him and that is about his bio interview of his life. Most of it I know, but still somehow it lacked something. And he wants to talk to me. Alone. It bode something terrible.

Once we're alone in a corner where barely anyone goes. He was silent for a couple of minutes and pacing back and forth. That really irritates me. Alot.

"Okay! Can you-can you stop pacing?! It's irritating!. If you wanna say something then say it now. We don't have all the time in the world you know?" I told him, but harsher than what I intended to be.

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