CHAPTER 25: Torture by Needles

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I left in the mansion after she's released. She's been quiet after our talk. Who I am and what I really am. I know it's too much to swallow but I know she's a smart-ass woman and she can handle it.

This is not a permanent job I signed up. I'm a rockstar, just trained to catch a drug dealer only for this very special case.

I went back to the playground to check up on the progress that my team has been working on. See if Andrew, the Cameraman, have cracked already.

The guy's not trained for torture. I'm sure whatever that my MC Pres has been doing to him right now, I'm pretty sure he have spilled it already.

I can hear him already shouting and screaming before I even open the door to the improv torture chamber.

As I walk inside, I couldn't help my left eyebrow but lift it.

Looks like Otis have done a clean torture job. No blood splatter. Walls clean. But Andrew? Oh, he's definitely bleeding. But he'll live. I've endured more than that. I've lived and that man made a huge mistake by simply not making sure I'm dead. But I'll make sure he will be. If he'll fight, so will I.

Otis haven't noticed that I have been watching him torture Andrew for awhile now. But Andrew did and his eyes grew wide.

But I didn't care. All I care is where Sanchez is.

I observed Otis pick up a set of needles. Ah, I know what he will do. This is only a subtle torture. It's an ancient Japanese torture.

I snickered. Otis heard me and turned his at me.


"Really, Otis? Torture by Accupuncture?"

"What? The guy needs to relax. He's so..." he shrugged, "tense."

I laughed. I lift my hand to him as a gesture for him to go on, whatever torture he's planning. I'll be his audience.

When he opened the set of needles, that's when I saw that it's no ordinary accupuncture needles. This are Japanese torture needles used by ninjas. How the hell Otis got one set of that? So I asked.

"Where'd you get that?"

"Princess. Stole it... well, borrowed it actually. She got it from Japan's torture exhibit in one of those torture museums and baught one set in a auction." He turned to me with childish smile, "cool, huh?"

Honestly, those two have wierd taste of father-daughter bonding.

Otis crouched down to take off Andrew's shoes and socks on his feet.

"You got nice toes, boy. Too bad you won't need them anymore after this. Since punching and kicking doesn't work on you, let's try the 13th century Japanese torture style." He took out one of the needles from the boxed set, and glared the needle he took out. "It's called Accu-Torture!" And Otis chuckled like a little boy who just got his very first gift.

I can hear Andrew's fast shallow breath and I think he'll die in panick attack instead of Otis' torture technique.

Otis grabbed Andrew's pinky-toe of his left foot. Andrew tried to wiggle out from his grasp but to no avail. His fully tied up.

Slowly, Otis inserted the sharp point of the needle underneath Andrew's toe nail until it reached the edge of the bone. Andrew's screams turned to wails due to the unbearable pain of the slow, bloodless, painful torture his getting from Otis.
He repeated the process until all each toes of his left foot are filled with needles.

Andrew tried his best to get out of Otis' grip but it won't do him anything. He's sweating profusely. Tears, saliva and other disgusting liquids are coming out in every places of his body, even in his pants.

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