SA 76 - Eyesore

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" That's too much, she did cause the accident but she isn't the perpetrator! You have no right..." Narumi sensei defended Mikan. The poor girl sat on the bed, spacing out and sweating cold. Wondering why she isn't trusted by most students and teachers.

Out of the blue, Mikan was grabbed by Persona by her top, right where the three count alice sticker was located. " This shows that you did use your alice during the Sports Festival however, using it during the Cheering competition I can't seem to understand since you are in no situation where you needed to use your alice." Persona stated monotonously. 

Mikan was startled, unable to speak since she was taken aback by Persona's statement. " It wasn't me! I would never do such thing, so please do not assume and say things that aren't validated." she shook her head as her brows furrowed together in frustration. 

Once again, Mikan was being blamed. Framed to be exact. " The time where I used my alice, it was when I was already falling! I unconsciously activated it when I was panicking in mid-air. Please have in mind that I would never use my alice against that psychic and be a burden to my team." she explained honestly, wanting to clarify the misunderstanding.

The students that were outside the room were whispering with each other since Mikan's voice was loud enough for them to hear. Persona seems displeased with Mikan, as if he was still bearing hatred for her right from the past Hanahime-den incident. 

" Defending yourself like that would lead to no good." Persona reminded. Mikan fell silent, kind of regretting that she lost her composure and was already getting worked up. " Serio sensei..." Narumi sensei stepped forward, wanting to talk properly with Persona.

" I will wait for the investigation result before the punishment needed to be given. As a person being watched under surveillance, I will not hesitate to take Sakura Mikan away if she continues her problematic behavior." Persona announced straightforwardly. 

Narumi, Tono, and Tsubasa was shocked by the sudden circumstance. " That's absurd! You can't just decide like that!" Tsubasa shouted,  disagreeing with Persona's statement.

" The result will decide whether if it is absurd or not. Her friends will surely take her side whatever the result is, such nonsense. Well then, later." Persona lastly said before leaving the room.

Misaki shook her head. " Just a little more." she muttered before dashing outside too, as if she was in a hurry. Mikan stared at the cold floor, thoughts filling her head making her feel down, insecure, and scared. Her nightmare really did happen, Persona's cold stare with the ESP's voice ringing at the background. 

After a while, they headed back at the venue. Tono, Subaru, and the others sat down the bleachers with their gloomy mood. Koko informed them that the others believes that Mikan really did cause the accident especially those who aren't close with her. Some were disappointed that the rehearsals were all in vain because of Mikan's fall.

Mikan overheard the group's conversation.  She couldn't help but feel bad about it. " Everyone, I'm sorry for causing another trouble..." she bowed her head down, unable to facce Tsubasa, Youichi, Tono, Subaru, and the others.

Youichi repeatedly smacked Tono for saying that when Mikan was near them. Tsubasa gave Tono a big slap on the face, making the latter regret what he said. " Stupid, it isn't your fault." Tsubasa reassured her. Tono sweat dropped and apologized for his words.

Hotaru suddenly spoke. " Say, senpai. You're planning on using Mikan's alice in the next competition?" Tono's ears perked up before nodding his head.

" Mhmm, she's practically our trump  card in the kibasen..." Tono answered while pushing Tsubasa's hand away from his face.

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