Chapter 15

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I shut my computer, placing it and my notepad back into my computer. Joining the boys at the lake, I dive into the water, swimming out to where they are. Zayn swims over to me, a devious look plastered on his features. 

"Wanna' help me with something?" he asks, smirking. 

"I don't know, it depends on what you have planned." 

"Well, there's nothing that I can think of off-hand. We're out here right now and have limited resources, so what do you think we could do?" he asks and we swim back towards shore. 

"Well, we could just go old-fashioned. We just hide in the woods and scare them. They don't exactly like being scared, so it's a good enough plan." He says. I nod, agreeing with him. 

We count down from three and all of a sudden, we sprint into the woods, hiding behind a group of large trees. We hear the boys shout our names, wondering where we are and what happened. 

"Let them sprint around for a few minutes; we can scare them once they've got a little panicked" I mind-link to him and he nods, staying hidden behind the bushes. After a few minutes pass, we hear them stop nearby, conversing about making a plan to find us. I signal from five to one and we jump out, screaming as loud as we can as the boys.

They all scream, jumping at least two feet in the air, horrified looks on their faces. Me and Zayn double over in laughter. Once they realize that we had just pranked them and nothing was wrong, me and Zayn's faces pale, noticing the glares the rest of the boys are giving us. 

"We should probably go..." I say, feigning awkwardness as they start to close in around us. I shift, seeing Zayn do the same as we run, leaving the boys behind. We run for at least five miles before the boys finally give up, and we stop at a different part of the large lake.

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