Chapter 30

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Inside the pack house, the warrior, Clay, who told me that we used to play together when we were young, leads us up the steps and to a large door, painted white. He knocks three times on it. 

"Come in." a familiar voice calls from the inside. 

The warrior walks into the room, shutting the door before we can enter. 

I look down to Liam's hand, which is still intertwined with mine. He rubs his thumb across the top of my hand, sensing my nervousness. I smile gratefully at him, standing up straight when the door opens. 

We walk inside, me leading, standing in front of the large desk, looking at the man standing behind it. 

"Sarah Peterson? Is it really you, darling?" he asks, looking up and down at me in shock. I smile, releasing Liam's hand and going to stand at the side of the desk by him. 

"Yeah, it's me, Jeremy. I survived." I nod at him. He quickly pulls me into a hug. (Jeremy is pictured above)

"Your father was a great man; I hope you know that." He says, holding me.

Releasing me from the hug, I go back in front of the desk by Liam, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"So, what's this I hear about a rogue problem?"

After talking it through with the Alpha, it turns out they were having the same rogue problem, not that I'm surprised. I told him about my mates, and showed him both mine and Liam's tattoos, saying each of the boys have my name translated into Latin on their backs. 

Jeremy nods, saying something like that has happened when there was only one person in a pack and more people were transformed at once. He says he will contact me when they form a plan to take out the Rogues, and to contact him if we have any more problems. 

"Well, we have a bit of a drive ahead of us; we should get back to the house." I say to the Alpha, taking Liam's hand. 

"Why don't you just stay here? We have a few extra beds; you can eat breakfast tomorrow morning with the pack and leave after." Clay says, then quickly adds, "as long as it's alright with you, Alpha."

The Alpha nods, liking the idea. "Alright, well we just have to contact the house and let the others know that we're staying here for the night, then." I say, looking over to Liam who nods.

We are escorted to a room on the same floor. The room has dark wooden floors with white walls to contrast. The headboard is a dark wood, just barely brighter than the floors while the comforter is a bright, polished white. There is a plush white area rug covering the floor around the bed, decorated with black geometric designs. 

Next to the bed is a nightstand, painted black, with a digital clock / alarm on top of it. The only decorations, the only ones really needed, are a large marble painting that hang above the bed, and an even larger painting of a bunch of wolves on the longest wall in the room. Jeremy always did have a niche for painting.

After calling the boys and easing their worries about me staying somewhere they don't know, I place my phone down on the nightstand, taking a deep breath. Settling down on the bed, Liam sits on the edge, staring off at the door. 

"Hey, it's okay, Li. I trust them." I say, placing my hand over his. He lays down next to me, softly smiling at me. 

"I know you do. It's just – I don't know anyone here and if a whole bunch of people turn on us, I don't know if I'll be able to protect you." He says. 

Liam lays on his back, opening his arms for me to cuddle in. I lay my head on his chest, feeling his thumping heartbeat. He reaches down and grabs my thigh, pulling it towards him so my leg lay across his waist. 

I cuddle in, getting myself comfortable and close my eyes, the sound of Liam's heartbeat lulling me to sleep.

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