Chapter 60

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We all clamber towards the jeep with our suits on, Liam jumping into the drivers' seat. I unstrap the top and the boys climb in, Louis going towards the front passenger, leaving Harry, Niall, Zayn and I in the middle seats. 

They climbed in first, leaving no seats available. I climb in and am about to sit down on the floor when Harry quickly pulls me down onto his lap, his arms wrapping around my waist. 

I internally groan and feel myself slightly wince from my abdomen but I nestle back into his chest, relaxing in his arms.

The drive is relatively quick and soon, the boys are all running towards the lake, pulling off our shorts and shirts that they had placed over our swimsuits. I go to the back of the jeep and grab out the tote from the back, placing it on the ground and opening it. There are towels, some bottles of water and a few other things.

I squeal, feeling a pair of cold, wet arms wrap around me from behind. I turn around, seeing Niall standing there, his hair wet and flat down on his head. 

"How's your abdomen?" he asks, looking down at my wound. 

"It's pretty much healed; I just have to be a little careful with it." 

We hear a noise and look towards the water, seeing Louis climbing on Liam's shoulders and Zayn climbing on Harry's shoulders, playing chicken. I lean against the jeep and watch the boys. Before Zayn is even fully on Harry's shoulders, Louis gives him a shove, sending Zayn and Harry flailing into the water.

I strip out of my shirt and shorts, leaving me in my purple swimsuit. I walk towards the water, hearing Niall following me. Just as my feet touch the waves, Niall picks me up and throws me over his shoulder, walking towards the boys. 

"Hey! What are you doing!" I exclaim, wrapping my arms around his middle so I don't fall. Niall stops walking when the water is up to his waist. 

"Ni?" I can practically feel him grinning. I freeze, realizing what he's about to do. 

"Niall, don't you dare!" I lightly smack his back with my hands, trying to free myself before the inevitable.

Before I can move any further, I am thrown into the water. I hold my breath, feeling the cool water pool around me. I stand up, brushing my hair back out of my face and ringing it out, hearing Niall's laughter echo around the lake. 

I shove Niall, pushing him into the water and swim towards the boys, who had swum out further. I dive under the water, swimming until I reached them. By the time I got there, the water was nearly up to my chin.

The boys and I stay at the lake until dark before driving back to the cabin. We each go to our rooms, Zayn grabbing my hand and leading me towards his. He curls up on the far side of the bed, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards him. 

He wraps his arm around my waist as I rest my head on his chest, my arm wrapped lazily across his torso. I hear the sound of the boys going to their rooms and settling in as I fall asleep, breathing in the scent of Zayn's cologne.

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