Chapter 34

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A few hours later, I wake up, finding Niall still asleep on the bed next to me, not on my chest anymore. I place a soft kiss on his cheek, not enough to wake him and walk out into the hallway, slowly shutting his door behind me. Walking into my room, I change into a pair of black skinny-jeans and a sweater. (pictured above) 

I walk down the stairs of the house, seeing Louis sitting at the island in the kitchen, scrolling on his phone. I walk behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist and placing a lingering kiss on the nape of his neck. 

He smiles, looking over his shoulder at me, smiling. He stands up from the chair, turning around to face me and leaning up against the island. 

"Where is everybody? I ask, noticing the usually noisy house full of life was now silent and calm. 

"Liam, Harry and Zayn went out for a jog. Me, you and Niall are the only ones in the house. Wanna' go and find them?" He asks. I nod, deciding what I changed into would be fine. 

"Yes, but you can't leave the house, Lou. Someone needs to stay here in case the rogues attack. Niall would be defenseless," I say, giving him a kiss. 

"I know, love. I figured you would just go and find them. I'll take care of Niall. Love you," he says, pecking me on the cheek once more, watching me as I walk towards the door. I get to the door opening it and stepping outside. 

"Oh, and Lou?" I ask, leaning forwards so my head is in the doorway. He looks over at me, confused. 

"Love you too." I say, before shutting the door, shifting on the steps. I run onto the trail, following their scent; they must have jogged to the lake.

Confused, I continue to follow their scent away from the lake and towards the big field at the back of the property line. I stop on the hill, looking around for any sign of the boys. I see their wolves bounding around the field, chasing each other. I grin to myself, laughing as Harry sneaks up behind Liam and tackles him. Zayn is still hidden amongst the field but I can see him from here. 

Creeping towards Zayn, I sneak up directly behind him, nipping on his tail. By the time he turns around, I have already hidden myself amongst the tall grass. He looks around, confused, sniffing the ground, attempting to find me but I had already gone to a completely different area, towards Liam, who is just standing there, looking around. I jump onto his back, using him as a boost and spring forward, hiding myself amongst the grass, moving to find Harry. I follow his scent, leading me back towards the lake. 

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