Chapter 52

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I go into Liam's room first, since he is normally the first one to wake up. Just like I did the first time I had to wake Liam up, I straddle his waist, pressing soft kisses around his face: one on each cheek, one on his forehead, his nose, his neck, then finally his lips. By now he's fully awake, kissing me back, a lazy smile on his face. 

"Good morning to you too," he laughs softly, his hands resting on my his. I slide myself off of his lap, walking over to the door. 

"There's pancakes downstairs, I just have to wake the other boys and then I'll be down," say, walking to the closest room: Niall's. 

I open the door and step inside, seeing him lying on his bed, scrolling on his phone. When he sees me, he immediately gets up from the bed, walking over to me and pulling me tightly to his chest. 

"There are pancakes downstairs," I say as he releases me from the hug. He gives me a peck on the lips, rushing out of the room. I laugh softly, shaking my head at the Irish boy's antics.

I go into Harry's room to see him just waking up, looking around the room. He stops when his eyes land on me and he smiles brightly, getting up out of bed and wrapping his arms around me. 

"I was a little nervous that you weren't here when I woke up; I thought I dreamed you coming back," he whispers, peppering kisses on my neck. I pull out of the hug, looking up and ruffling his hair. 

"There are pancakes downstairs; I just have to wake Zayn and Louis and then I'll be downstairs," I say, pecking him on the cheek. He smiles cheekily, walking out of the room.

I walk into Zayn's room to see him still asleep, his face buried in his pillow. I walk over to him and lightly shake him, making him groan. 

"Zayn, c'mon. There's pancakes downstairs," I say in his ear, lightly massaging his back. He slowly gets off of the bed and stands up, kissing me before walking out of the room, pulling me with him. 

He tries leading me to the stairs but I stop him, "I still have to wake up Louis and then I'll be down." 

He lets go of my hand and pecks me on the cheek, walking down the stairs. I walk over to Louis' room and open the door, stepping inside.

He is still asleep, laying on his back, his lips slightly parted. I straddle his waist, and just like I had done to Liam, start to kiss different areas of his face: his cheeks, forehead, temples, neck, chin, and finally, his lips. 

He responds to the kiss eagerly, smiling and wrapping his hands around my waist, pulling me down so my back is on the bed. He softly kisses me, his hands now roaming my sides as mine land around the back of his neck. He pulls back from the kiss, smiling. 

"Now, that is officially my favorite way to be woken up," He jokes, leaning down and kissing me once more. 

"You were the last one I had to wake up; there are pancakes downstairs and everything is already on plates," I say, lightly pushing him off of me and back down onto the bed. He gets up quickly and before I can react, he has me thrown over his shoulder. 

"Louis! Put me down!" I squeal as he starts walking towards the stairs. 

"You're just so short compared to us; why have we not done this before?" He jokes, slapping my butt. 

"If I fall, I'm blaming you," I say, giving up and holding onto the back of his shirt.

The boys give us weird looks as we make it down the stairs and into the kitchen; some of jealousy, others of confusion. Louis fakes dropping me and I squeal, hearing the boys start to laugh. I pinch Louis' butt, grinning in satisfaction as he slightly jumps, a yelp of surprise coming from his mouth. 

"Hey! Don't you pinch my bum!" he exclaims, putting me down on the ground. 

"Then don't pick me up like that!" I say, taking the empty seat between Liam and Zayn.

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