Chapter 59

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(A/N: Smut Warning! If you do not want to read this part, skip ahead to the "End of Smut Warning")

Louis had put on the movie Grownups and was sat at the couch, patting the spot next to him. I sat down, resting my head on his shoulder. Louis pulled me towards him, sliding me onto his lap, his arms around my waist. 

I get comfortable, partly leaning back on him as we watch the movie, feeling him begin to rub his hands on my back and shoulders. He digs in, massaging my skin around my shoulder blades. I moan softly, an involuntary noise, as he digs in on one spot. 

He continues to massage, making me completely forget about the movie. All I can think about is the way his hands roam and press at the perfect angles, pressing and pulling and pressing on my tender skin.

Louis sweeps his fingers under my hair, moving it to the side. I shiver as the cool air hits my bare neck, but the sensation quickly turns to warm as I feel Louis lean his face closer to my neck, his breath warming my skin. 

His lips press gingerly down onto my neck, lightly sucking on my skin. He moves from just under my ear to the edge of my shoulder and down towards my shoulder blade, never ceasing massaging with his hands.

I groan when he suddenly begins to suck and bite roughly on the nape of my neck, lapping over the skin with his tongue, easing the sensation as it formed into a bruise. I stand up from his lap, turning myself around and sitting back down, straddling his waist. Louis leans forwards, roughly pressing his lips to mine. 

We move in sync, hands roaming each other's bodies. My fingers tangle in the hair on the back of his head, twisting and pulling on the strands right above his neck. He groans into my mouth, his hands going from my back to my waist, curving around my butt. He squeezes roughly and I groan, my head dipping to kiss down his jawline to his neck. I suck and nip on the skin at the curve of his neck, grinding my hips down to meet his.

Louis stands up, picking me up with him. I wrap my legs around his waist as he begins to walk towards the stairs. "No time," he mutters against my lips, walking into the study. He shuts and locks the door, pressing me roughly against it. He moves his hips up towards mine, moaning at the friction.

He spins around and sets me down on the table, reaching down to the hem of my shirt and pulling it over my head. I quickly do the same to his, rubbing my fingers up his chest in the process. He quickly takes off his pants and boxers in one quick movement, helping me do the same.

Louis starts to kneel down but I put my hand on his shoulder, making him stop. 

"Skip the foreplay, Lou. I need you now." 

He smirks, standing back up and pressing his lips back against mine. He grabs my hips, pulling me so I'm sitting at the edge of the table, my legs hooked behind his hips. He steps closer, lining his tip with my entrance. Angling himself slightly to make it easier, he pushes in, his lips pressing roughly back onto mine. He gains a rhythm, thrusting roughly, his hips rubbing against mine.

It doesn't take long until I'm approaching my high, my breathing picking up its pace. Louis' thrusts are starting to get more sloppy, signaling that he's close too. I reach my high, him following soon after. Louis leans on me, his head resting in my shoulder as we regain our breath, panting. Louis pulls out, slipping on his boxers and pants, handing me mine and helping me down from the table. 

I grab my shirt from the ground and slip it on as Louis takes some cleaning wipes from the shelf, wiping off the edge of the table before throwing the used wipe into the garbage.

We walk from the room, Louis' hand on the small of my back. 

"I'm gonna' go and take a shower then maybe we can finish that movie," I say, standing on my tippy-toes and kissing him on the cheek. 

"Can I join you?" he winks. I laugh, shaking my head and jog up the stairs and into my bathroom. 

(A/N: End of Smut Warning!)

After my shower, I change into a gray v-neck shirt and a black leather jacket and jog downstairs, hearing the boys in the living room. I lean against the wall, looking over at the boys who all had swimming trunks on. 

"Where are we going?" I ask, my lips lifting upwards into a grin. 

"Go and get a swimming suit on."

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