Chapter 26

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Louis shifts back to human, limping over to Niall, who had involuntarily shifted back as well, due to his injuries. I shift, sprinting over to them, my eyes focused on Niall. 

There are a few small scratches on his face, a slightly larger one on his cheek. I look down to his shirt and lift it from his waist, unveiling his chest, which is littered with scratches and scrapes. He has a large scratch over his abdomen, still oozing out blood and some smaller scrapes around that.

"We need to get him back, now. Can you walk on your leg still?" I ask, looking over to Louis. He nods his head, shifting his weight between his two legs. 

"I'll be fine. Did you ride your horse here?" he asks. I nod in response, beginning to lift Niall up. 

"I'm gonna' set him on my horse. You can shift and run with us; your injury will be easier to deal with if you're in your wolf's form. You're just gonna' have to help me get Niall up on the horse. We can put him in front of me so I can get him back to the cabin easier." We nod, both of us agreeing with the plan before we do anything.

Louis picks Niall up, carrying him bridal style as I lead them back to where I left my horse. I untie the lead from the tree, mounting quickly and adjusting so Niall can be put on easily. I assist Louis in lifting Niall up, setting him in front of me on the saddle. 

I lean him so his back is against my chest, his head drooped off to the side, still unconscious. Once he is adjusted so he won't fall off, I grab the reins, turning Abby around. Louis shifts and nods to me, telling me he's ready to go. I gallop Abby down the trail, racing towards the cabin before it's too late.

"Boys, we need some help out here!" I call out once we reach the house. Samuel was still there to take care of the horses. He grabbed the reins as I clambered off, Louis assisting me in grabbing Niall down and gently setting him down on the grass. 

Liam, Zayn and Harry rush outside as Louis reaches down to pick up Niall. I put my hands on his shoulders, stopping him. 

"Harry, take care of Louis; they got attacked by rogues and his leg is banged up pretty bad. Check for other injuries as well. Zayn, Liam, I need you both to grab Niall. Just sweep everything off of the island in the kitchen and put him there. I need to run to my room and grab my medical kit." They nod, starting to pick up Niall while Harry wraps an arm around Louis' waist to steady him, leading him inside.

Rushing past everyone, I jog up the stairs, sharply turning the corner into my room. I fling open my closet, not caring as the door crashes against the wall as I grab out the large medical bag, hauling it off the floor and carrying it down the stairs. I set the bag on one of the open chairs. 

"Liam, take a washcloth and put some pressure on that wound on his abdomen until I can get everything out." I instruct, digging through my bag. I grab out my IV supplies, including the drip and a fresh needle. I attach the needle into Niall's arm, Harry wincing and looking away. I hook up the IV, immediately getting some pain meds into his system.

Grabbing my surgical scissors out of my bag, I cut open his t-shirt, inspecting his wounds. I replace the washcloth Liam was holding against the wound with a gauze pad, continuing to search through the bag as Liam puts the washcloth in the sink. I take off the gauze, inspecting the wound. 

There were some pieces of wood in his wound; the rogues most likely threw him up against a tree before Louis could even get to him. I grab out some anesthesia from the bag and inject it, not wanting Niall to wake up while I'm digging the wood out of his wound.

I look over to Harry, who had Louis seated on a chair in front of him, Louis' bad leg propped over Harry's knee. "Harry, check for wood splinters. You're going to want to get out the big splinters before patching him up," I say, grabbing out a pair of tweezers and tossing them to him, before focusing my attention back on Niall. 

two hours later

It is now starting to get dark. The boys and I had been sitting on the couch, after I patched up Niall and helped Harry patch up Louis. We sat there in complete silence, no one moving from their position. I lean onto my knee, which is bouncing up and down from the nervousness. Niall needed to be okay.

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