Chapter 23

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I take a deep breath, knocking on the door. No sound comes from the other side. I try the door handle, and it's locked. I knock again, except harder. The door nearly flies open. 

"What!" he shouts. I place my hand on his chest and push him out of the doorway, shutting the door behind me. 

"Look at me. You are going to listen. You are not going to interrupt me and you are going to let me explain what is happening." I demand in a commanding voice and he doesn't say anything; I take this as my cue to start to speak.

"You're not my only mate, Zayn. When you boys transformed, I got my mate tattoo, which I should've gotten a long time ago. It's in Latin. That's what I was researching when we went for that jog. I was researching what the Latin phrases meant. It's your name, and the rest of the boys' names as well. I thought it was because I was the only one in the pack until you guys were transformed but I realized I was wrong the day of the jog. When I came inside your room and helped you find your tank-top, you were shirtless and you had a phrase in Latin tattooed on the middle of your back. I'm sure you never even realized it was there. I translated it. It's my name in Latin. The same thing is on Harry's back; my name, translated into Latin. All of you are my mate, not just you. That's why you saw me and Harry at the lake. He had just found out we were mates, ironically it was the same place that you figured out I was your mate. So, to recap; you are my mate, same as the way, Harry, Niall, Louis, and Liam are my mates. Nothing has changed, and I hope nothing will change."

He stares at me for a moment, most likely deciding what he wanted to do next. In a flash, he we switched positions, him pressing me roughly against the wall, his hands holding my shoulders against its rough surface. 

Instead of punching me, which I fully expected, he did the opposite. Pressing his lips roughly against mine, it took me a few seconds to react and kiss him back; I expected to come out of this room crying and with a large bruise, not to be kissed. I kissed him back just as roughly, moving one hand to cup his cheek, playing at the small strands of hair that I could reach on the back of his neck. 

Tugging lightly on a piece of hair, he moaned into my mouth, rubbing his hands up and down my sides, finally cupping my waist, pulling me closer to him, if at all possible. As the kiss got more heated, he slid his tongue into my mouth, sliding his hands down further and palming my butt. I lightly tugged on the hair again, my other hand reaching to his shoulder blade, grabbing and lightly squeezing the soft skin.

He reached down to my thighs, lightly pinching the skin. I took that as my cue to jump, so I grab his shoulders and jump up, wrapping my legs around his waist and keeping my hands by his shoulders, giving myself support. 

Zayn semi-roughly pushed me back up against the wall, leaving no space between us. He trailed his lips down my jawline and to my neck, sucking and nibbling lightly in each spot. He found my sweet spot, the small crevice between my collarbone and neck, roughly sucking on the skin, being sure to leave a hickey. I groaned lightly, feeling him nip and suck at the skin before lapping over it lightly with his tongue, easing the sensation as it formed into a bruise. 

Instantly moving back to my lips, he turned around, keeping me in his arms as he tossed me down onto his bed, laying down on top of me. His hips lay directly against mine as he lay between my legs, not breaking the kiss once. He moved his lips downward towards my chest until my shirt got in the way. He began taking it off slowly, making sure to tease until, of course, there was a knock at the door, interrupting us. 

He groaned, looking over to the door. "Who is it?" he called out, going back to where he had lifted my shirt, kissing and nipping at the soft skin just below my ribs.

"Zayn, it's Niall. Liam and Harry are super worried; they sent me up here to make sure you weren't killing her. You're not, right? Because who would make us food then?" Niall asks, most likely leaning against the doorway in the hall, his view into the room obstructed by the shut and, thankfully, locked door. 

Zayn's laugh echoed throughout the room, slightly vibrating on my stomach. 

"No, mate, we're just talking. You can tell them she's fine."

"Okay, we're watching a movie, by the way, in case you two would like to join us." He says; I hear his footsteps echo away from the door, leaving us alone once again.

"Well, that kind of ruined the moment, huh?" he says, laughing again as he looked up from me, his chin resting just above my hip. 

"We should get downstairs so they don't get too worried. They are both still my mates. By the way, you understand the whole mate thing, right? Like, if you see me and one of the others kiss, you aren't gonna' shut yourself in your room and make me yell at you, right?" I say, sitting up, flattening down my hair which had been slightly scrunched when I was against the wall. 

"Well, if this is the result, maybe I should get mad more often," Zayn jokes, standing up, reaching out his hand to help me up. I shake my head, laughing as I take his hand into mine, intertwining our fingers.

He leads me downstairs and sits down on the three-seater couch that Harry and Liam are seated at, sitting down on the far-right cushion. I am about to sit on the ground by Louis, who is leaning back on Liam's legs, when Zayn pulls me down, sitting me on his lap. 

I get comfortable, leaning on his chest, lying my legs across Liam's lap. Liam grins, lightly massaging my calves and turning back to the movie. I look at the screen to figure out which movie the boys had chosen. It was The Notebook, undoubtedly Harry's choice; he loved that damn movie.

Niall enters the living-room from the Kitchen, three bowls of popcorn in his hands. He sits down at Harry's feet, passing out the bowls: one for him and Louis, one for Harry and Liam, and one for Zayn and I. 

We munch on the popcorn and eat in a comfortable silence. I slowly drift off to sleep, feeling lucky to have all of my boys back.

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