Chapter 20

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"Well, that was eventful." I say, sitting down next to the lake. Harry sits down next to me. 

"Yes, yes it was. It was very funny too," he says with a smirk on his face. 

"But then again I feel a little bad; I made sure that water was pretty cold." I say, laughing. 

"Yeah, but they really did need to loosen up." He says.

When I'm with Harry, I get the same feeling as when I'm with Zayn. I know that it's possible to have more than one mate. This must be what the tattoos mean. I thought it was just because I was the only one in the pack for so long, but maybe it does mean that all of the boys are my mates.

"Can you stand up for me, love?" Harry asked, standing up. I do as he says. He wraps his arms around my waist, burying his face into my neck. A shiver goes down my spine, and I guess I showed it, because I can feel Harry's smirk on my neck. He starts to move his lips around, leaving soft kisses on the nape of my neck. When he stops, I start to speak.

"When you guys transformed, I also did in a way. When I was younger, I should've gotten my mate tattoo. It's something that appears on your body, most likely on your back, or at least that's where mine appeared. But, I didn't get my mate tattoo until you guys transformed on the mountain. Meaning, I'm relatively sure that because I was the only one in the pack until you guys showed up, I think I'm the mate to all of you. It's happened before in the pack. One wolf can have multiple mates." I explain. 

"So, your tattoo is on your back. Can I see it?"

I turn around, reaching to my shoulders and pulling up my tank top, revealing my tattoo. His fingers trace over the lines, slowly making their way from the nape of my neck to my lower back, where it ends. 

"It's in Latin. What does it mean?" he asks tracing his fingers around once more. 

"It's your guys' names, actually." 

"So, you're all of our mate; not just Zayn's? Why don't you just tell the boys, now that we know that this is for sure?" he asks, stopping his fingers from moving. 

"I figured it'd be easier if everyone found out one at a time. When you hear the word 'mate', you don't really understand what it means. It's only a word. That is, until you know what it feels like. That's why I'm letting everyone figure it out on their own. But I'm hoping that my name in Latin tattooed on everyone's backs is a hint." I felt it would be right to explain my half of the story, so he does not think I am doing this for selfish reasons.

"So . . . do you . . . do you reject me?" He asks. 

"No, I don't reject you, Harry." I say. I can feel his smile against the side of my neck, laying down a few more kisses. 


Harry spins me around and presses his lips against mine. The kiss started to pick up the pace quickly. Harry slowly sat down, taking me down with him. He pushed me down onto my back and crawled on top of me, placing one hand on my hip and the other on the ground, making sure to not put all of his weight on me. He attached our lips together again, this time a little bit more heated.

We kissed for about a minute or two, before we both had to pull away for air. He leaned his forehead against mine. 

"Forever?" he asks. 

"Forever." I repeat. 

He pecked my lips and stood up, then grabbed both of my hands and helped me up. 

"We should get back, before they get worried." I say. 

Harry shifted, and just like how we got to the lake, I got up onto his back, clutching at the scruff of his neck as he jogs us back to the cabin.

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