Chapter 48

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I look around, finding that the room on the end is not a cell, but an office of some sort. I find the door locked, so I step back, kicking my foot as hard as I can towards the door. It flies open, the whole locking mechanism falling off. 

I see a set of keys on the desk and grab them, finding a key labeled 'master' on one of them. I go to Zayn's cell, quickly unlocking it and tossing the keys to the Alpha, who begins to unlock the other cells.

I walk to Zayn's bed, placing my fingers on his neck and checking for a pulse. It's slowed, but still there. I examine the IV bag, seeing no labels like there would be if they got this from any type of medical profession. 

"What the hell are they doing to you?" I say, holding Zayn's hand in mine. I hear someone start talking from the corridor so I place Zayn's hand back down by his side, walking out of the cell. 

"There is no one here. It's like they abandoned it." I frown, wondering why they would do that; they did not know we were coming here. I walk into the office, looking through all of the paperwork. 

Seeing a calendar pulled up on the computer screen, I look at the schedule for today, seeing they have a huge supply shipment coming in. I call over the Alpha, showing him the schedule. This means we have limited time to get this done. 

"Okay! Everyone who has a horse is going to have to carry one, maybe two people. We have a limited amount of time to get out of here before they come back!" I demand. Each person unhooks an IV and carries that person up the stairs and out of the building.

I grab Zayn, kissing his cheek as I take his IV out, grabbing the bag down from the hook; I want to know what they pumped these people full of. The Alpha has the same idea; as I carry Zayn out of the cell, he also is carrying an IV bag. I go out to my horse, placing Zayn onto the ground delicately. I mount my horse, having two of the warriors pass Zayn up to me. I hold onto him, wrapping his arms and legs so that he won't fall. 

I place two IV bags from the cells into my horse's saddlebag and look at the Alpha, who is setting someone onto the ground. 

"Do you guys need any help here?" He shakes his head, motioning for me to go. 

"Get your mate home." I nod, smiling gratefully as I gallop off towards the cabin, trying to get Zayn home as quick as possible.

I ride Jaren into the stable and pull Zayn off and set him gently onto the ground. Liam, who must have heard me ride in, looks at Zayn in shock, not expecting him to be asleep. 

"Pick him up and put him in his room on his bed, flat on his back. I'll take care of him there; they had him hooked up to an IV pumping this into him, and I don't know what it is yet," I say, pulling the IV bags out of the saddlebag and set them on the ground. 

Liam carries Zayn into the cabin while I unsaddle Jaren, putting everything on the ground outside of the stall. I pick back up the IV bags and shut the stall door, jogging into the house. I bring the IV bags into the study and set them down onto the table, examining them.

A pair of arms wrap tightly around my waist, the person's head resting on my shoulder. Once they release me from the hug, I turn around to see Niall with glossy eyes and tear-stained cheeks. I quickly wrap him in a hug, pecking his neck and cheek before releasing him out of the hug. 

"Did you save him? Zayn?" he asks, his eyes full of hope. 

I smile, holding my hand out to him, "Why don't you see for yourself?" He smiles, taking my hand and I lead him up the stairs, towards Zayn's room. 

"I do have to warn you that he will still be asleep." I say. He nods, and I open the door, leading Niall inside towards Zayn. Liam moves to the side, going out of the room.

Niall curls up next to Zayn on the bed and I smile softly. Liam reenters the room with my medical bag in his hands. I thank him as he sets it on the nightstand. I grab out my stethoscope. 

"Do you need me to move?" Niall asks, sitting up from his position on the bed. 

"No Ni, you'll be fine right there next to Zayn." He smiles, laying back down next to him.

I perform routine exams, checking his blood pressure, heartbeat and oxygen levels. Nothing is wrong; except he hasn't woken up yet. It must be the shit that was in the IVs. I really need to find out what it is.

"Well, he's stable as far as I can tell. Ni, why don't you keep him company? You know, he can probably hear you talking. Tell him some stories, huh? Keep him entertained." Niall nods excitedly, starting to blab off stories from when he was younger. Liam and I walk out of the room, shutting the door. 

"I need to test whatever they were pumping in him. As far as I can tell, he's completely healthy, so he should be awake right now. Whatever they put in him is keeping him asleep." I say, looking up at him. 

"At some point, I need you to go and check on Harry. He thinks you're dead; he didn't think you would make it back from saving Zayn." Liam says, looking over at Harry's door, which is shut and probably locked. 

"Well, I need to start testing and researching what they put in those IV bags. I'll be in the study; why don't you try and get Harry to come in there? Also, let Louis know that I'm back; I haven't seen him yet and I need to start testing as soon as possible," I say, walking towards the staircase.

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