Chapter 61

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When I woke up the next morning, there was commotion coming from downstairs and Zayn wasn't there. I sat up in his bed, looking around the room. The digital clock flashed 9:00 am, the sunlight drifting through the curtains. I fling the blankets off of me, not bothering to change out of my pajamas as I clambered out of Zayn's room and down the stairs, looking around. 

I followed the noise of voices to the kitchen, to my surprise, seeing Paul standing in the kitchen talking to the boys. I walk over to the coffee pot, turning it on before turning towards Paul. 

"Paul! What a surprise!" 

Paul smiles, walking towards me and wrapping me in a hug. He steps back, leaning back against the island.

"Well, the boys seemed to really enjoy their time here, but sadly they have to go back on tour. Apparently, there was an incident with someone who broke in that you completely took care of and kept my boys safe. I really appreciate that. Now, the boys and I have been talking, and they seem adamant that you accompany us. It would seem weird if you just tagged along without a job; I had the idea, since the boys took to you so well, maybe you could work security? You would be paid for your work, just like you were paid for letting them stay here with us, and you would go with the boys everywhere they went; concerts, meet and greets, that kind of thing."

I stand there for a minute, considering his offer. I hear my coffee finish pouring from behind me so I turn around, pouring some into a mug and taking a sip. 

"So, what do you say? Will you come on tour with us?"

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