Chapter 27

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I felt a hand lay on my shoulder. Looking over, I saw Louis, who is giving me a small smile. 

"Can I talk to you?" Louis asked, shifting his weight between his feet. 

I nod, standing up and extending my arm to him for support, which he takes gratefully. He leads, slightly pulling me towards the kitchen, where Niall still lay undisturbed on the middle island, sleeping off the anesthetic. 

"I just wanted to say thank you. You know, for showing up and saving us earlier. How did you know what was going on?" he asks, leaning against the fridge, a frown prominent on his face. 

"I rode Abby into the field and I heard a noise. I couldn't tell what it was, but I had a bad feeling, so I followed the noise. It led me to you guys. I really need to deal with those damn rogues before someone else gets hurt, or even killed." I growled, pacing back and forth across the kitchen floor.

Louis places his hand on my waist, stopping me from moving. 

"I . . . I've been waiting to tell you this for a less stressful situation, but I guess now works as well. After we transformed, that night on the mountain, I woke up with a tattoo in Latin on my back. I didn't know what it meant, so I looked it up. It was your name, translated into Latin. Is this because you were the only one in the pack before us, or is it something more?" he asks, his hand on my waist rubbing small circles in my waist.

I take a deep breath before answering, not knowing if he would accept the truth or not. 

"It means more than you guys being introduced into the pack. You already know about the situation with me, Zayn, Harry and Liam. What you don't know about is how you and Niall fit into the equation." 

I turn around, lifting up the back of my shirt. He traces the Latin phrases, just like Harry had, before leaning so close that I could feel his breath on my ear. 

"Are we mates?" he asks, placing his hand back on my waist. I nod my head softly, looking over my shoulder to glance back at him. 

"Do you reject me?" I ask, my voice slightly shaking from nervousness. 

"Oh darling, I would never dream of it." He whispers, softly kissing the skin right below my left ear. 

He places his hands on my hips, leading me forwards towards the counter by the stove. Turning me around, he reaches down and grabs my thighs, lifting me up, setting me down on the countertop. I wrap my legs around his waist as he wraps one arm around my waist, lifting the other to caress my cheek. Moving his hand so its behind my neck, he slowly pulls me down until our lips connect.

It's not hungry, or rough. It's more compassionate and slow, a tingling feeling erupting in my stomach. I place one hand on his shoulder, the other playing with the hair on the back of his neck, brushing through his brown locks. He breaths out softly, smiling against my lips as I comb through his hair with my fingers, twisting a few pieces around my pointer finger.

A groan from the island interrupts us. My eyes snap open and I pull back from Louis, looking over to Niall who was waking up on the island. Louis helps me down from the countertop, both of us walking over to Niall, who had his eyes open. 

"How ya' feeling, mate?" Louis asks the blonde, placing his hand gently on his shoulder. 

"I've been better . . . what the hell happened?" Niall asks, groaning, placing his hand on his head. 

"We got ambushed by rogues while we were jogging. We're lucky Sarah showed up in time," Louis says, snaking an arm around your waist.

I kept Niall on the island, checking his vitals before letting him get down. His wolf healing made his wounds heal quickly except for the one on his abdomen, which would still hurt for another day or two. I gave him some painkillers and sent him up to bed, of course after the boys had their chance to give him a hug, saying they were glad he was okay.

We all stand in the living-room, not knowing what to do next. I look around at the boys, knowing they're not going to like what I have to do. 

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