Chapter 56

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When I come to, I hear people talking around me. I peel my eyes open, groaning as the pain in my abdomen increased. 

"Where am I?" I ask the Alpha, who was now the only person in the room. 

"We're at the battleground still. We had a medical tent set up just in case something would happen and someone would get seriously injured. You singlehandedly took Clay down, but you had lost a lot of blood from your injuries, so you passed out. It's around ten o'clock." He says, looking down at me. 

"In the morning or night?" I ask, ignoring the pain and sliding myself up against the pillows so I can sit up. 

"Night. I'm imagining you're going home to your mates, which I don't blame you on, but be careful with your stitches. You're going to be in a lot of pain the next few days, so they are going to have to know what happened; yes, I know you didn't tell them about the battle. Just take it easy, kid. And if you have any more problems, you know you can count on us," he says, reaching his hand towards me. 

I thank him, taking his hand as he helps me out of bed and to my horse. I hastily climb on, trying not to agitate my stitches too much. Not being able to go any faster than a canter, for the sake of my stitches, I stick to that, trying to make it back to the cabin as painless and fast as possible.

By the time I get to the cabin, one of the wound on my abdomen had started bleeding again, nearly bleeding through the gauze. I grunt, climbing myself off of Jaren and leading him into his stall, using him as support as I walked. 

He sensed my pain, being gentler than he usually would as I took off his gear, noticing how Samuel, the horsekeeper, had already put food in the stalls. I limped towards the house, stopping to lean on the railing of the steps on the front porch.

Sneaking past the living room, where I could hear a movie playing, I made my way up the stairs, taking all the time I needed as to not agitate my wound any more. I grab my med kit from the closet and sit myself down onto my bed, examining my wound. 

I slowly peel off the gauze, wincing in pain as some places stuck to the wound. I pour some antiseptic on a clean cotton pad and press it to the wound, biting down on my fist as to not scream in pain.

I clean up my wounds, rebadging everything, also grabbing an extra bandage and stuffing it into my pocket; I put on a fresh hooded sweatshirt before going down the stairs and into the study. I slowly ease myself down onto the chair, grabbing a book from the table and beginning to read. 

I hear the door open from behind me and look over my shoulder, seeing Niall standing there, a big smile plastered on his face. He rushes towards me, wrapping his arms tightly around my shoulders. I wince inaudibly, hoping he won't notice, but he does. 

"Did I hurt you?" Niall asks panicked, examining me for any injuries. "I'm fine, Ni. I'm just a bit sore, that's all," I say, but I can tell he doesn't believe me. 

"Well, me and the lads are in the living room watching Twilight if you'd like to join us." I smile the best smile I can muster with the searing of my abdomen. 

"I'll be in there in a minute; I just have to finish up on something," I say, holding up the book. He nods his head, walking out of the door.

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